phatelectribe t1_jdddgbw wrote
Reply to comment by jayrocksd in Why California is still in drought despite heavy rain and snow by bogdanelcs
Yep lol. The heaviest of the rains and snow fell on Feb and it’s been raining every single week since January, including this weekend which saw several more inches of rain and snow.
phatelectribe t1_jd3yujz wrote
Reply to comment by Mississimia in Less than week after story goes viral, teen with size 23 feet getting custom shoes from PUMA, UA by SAT0725
He’s 14. Kid is going to be growing for another 5 years at least.
phatelectribe t1_jcnv23h wrote
Reply to comment by beresonable in Newsom says the state is on track to cut unsheltered homelessness by 15% in two years and vowed to provide 1,200 tiny homes to help achieve that goal. by ElectrikDonuts
I would guess zero % reduction. Lack of shelters isn’t the issue - apparently there are always spare beds and ample capacity because they are not allowed to take drugs in the shelter and most would prefer to be high and on the street than safe and going the high cold Turkey. We need mental health facilities and drug rehab programs.
phatelectribe t1_ja9mhdh wrote
Reply to comment by EndlessJump in Didn't fear and rescued by M178music
Definitely wasn’t his first (ice) rodeo.
phatelectribe t1_j9vobpr wrote
Reply to comment by lrrc49 in The future holds a 25000$ compact EV leasing at 250$ pr month by RolfEjerskov
I’m so glad I pulled my Tesla roof deposit after 2 years of waiting.
….1.5 years ago. And they’re still not able to give a delivery date.
phatelectribe t1_j9eervg wrote
Reply to comment by set-271 in Starlink’s “Global Roaming” promises worldwide access for $200 a month by ethereal3xp
No, the point is to get away from the great unwashed. It’s so you can go to nice places but don’t have to share a hotel.
phatelectribe t1_j7rl0ax wrote
Reply to comment by Dorocche in Application for a coal mine near the Great Barrier Reef has been rejected due to environmental concerns by monovial
Just when you think there’s a dumb comment, someone turns up in a car that looks like a dog head.
phatelectribe OP t1_j6khnbw wrote
Reply to comment by Tainted0401 in iPhone 13 Cannot send pictures to android phones no matter what I try. by phatelectribe
Thanks, I’ve just done it and although they said nothing was wrong on their end, they asked me to reset network setting while they “refreshed” something on their end and it’s magically working again. Thanks for the help.
phatelectribe OP t1_j6jic6a wrote
Reply to comment by Tainted0401 in iPhone 13 Cannot send pictures to android phones no matter what I try. by phatelectribe
I don’t see an option for messages in the list of apps using cellular data? Is it somewhere else?
phatelectribe OP t1_j6jhjzl wrote
Reply to comment by Tainted0401 in iPhone 13 Cannot send pictures to android phones no matter what I try. by phatelectribe
Oooh let me try that second option….
phatelectribe t1_j5aqap2 wrote
Reply to comment by bernieburner1 in NSYNC in 1997 by Djf47021
phatelectribe t1_j5aq385 wrote
Reply to comment by tan-499 in Whiting, Hussey, "Romeo and Juliet" 1968 by GoldenChinchilla
She was 15 when cast and filming started.
phatelectribe t1_j4hfdrq wrote
Reply to comment by rosesandtherest in Nova’s audio earrings are made with real pearls, and have built-in speakers that transmit audio up and into your ear by thebelsnickle1991
I think they look great.
phatelectribe t1_j26u81c wrote
Reply to comment by stoad in In Memoriam: The Great David Warner by HobbieK
He truly had presence - I can’t think of a single role where he didn’t come to the forefront and leave an impression.
phatelectribe t1_j1ih4jb wrote
Reply to comment by Rdw72777 in White Lotus is a very, very terrible show. by [deleted]
Nah, it was just even lamer that season 1 so I wasn’t going to waste anymore time. You’ll note my comments were about the show in general.
phatelectribe t1_j1igq09 wrote
Reply to comment by skrillatine in White Lotus is a very, very terrible show. by [deleted]
I love it. Let the butthurt flow.
phatelectribe t1_j1icpz8 wrote
Reply to comment by skrillatine in White Lotus is a very, very terrible show. by [deleted]
Ah so everyone’s opinion in irrelevant detail except your hot take about who is watching and why?
phatelectribe t1_j1ib55g wrote
Reply to comment by skrillatine in White Lotus is a very, very terrible show. by [deleted]
Who cares? Lol have you been on the internet or seen the awards she’s being given as the “star” of the show?
phatelectribe t1_j1i9tmy wrote
Reply to comment by JWells16 in White Lotus is a very, very terrible show. by [deleted]
I’m one of those that find it terrible as well, and just feel so many people are drinking the koolaid because Jen Coolidge is finally having her moment in the sun.
20 minutes in we’re looking at a ball sack for shock value and in general the acting is mediocre at best. You don’t really care for any of the characters and I found it a complete slog to get through the first season, let alone second which I gave up on during episode 2.
phatelectribe t1_j10x742 wrote
Reply to comment by TheConboy22 in The Finalmouse Centerpiece is a keyboard with built-in CPU and GPU, and its screen animations are powered by Unreal Engine 5 by thebelsnickle1991
I can’t buy a laptop without a numpad. Total deal breaker.
phatelectribe t1_iyekgoz wrote
Reply to comment by VegetableWishbone in The solar-powered Aptera's unique design addresses common EV barriers by cartoonzi
They don’t need to be cheaper, just the same price or even slightly more given the running costs and maintenance are far far lower (no filter changes, no oil changes, no timing or fan belts, etc etc). People will spend more upfront because over the life of the car they spend far less. That why prius became so popular - they were $10k more than the same ICE car but you saved $20k in gas over the 5-10 years you owned it.
phatelectribe t1_iydjxly wrote
Reply to comment by VegetableWishbone in The solar-powered Aptera's unique design addresses common EV barriers by cartoonzi
Your average pricing is way off. Cars average is double what you’re stating. $25k is the bottom end of the market these days and most people want and will spend more than that.
phatelectribe t1_ixzpk67 wrote
Reply to comment by michaelb1 in News Release: NREL Creates Highest Efficiency 1-Sun Solar Cell - 39.5% efficiency by TimeSpentWasting
Same here but I have the roof space - unfortunately there’s absolutely nonsensical code that sates panels must be placed a certain distance from the roof ridge and also can’t be too close to the edge meaning that I can only use about 30% of my roof space. So If I max out my entire allowable roof space I only get about 70% of my power needs (even with everything in the house being high efficiency such as new appliances and led lighting etc).
Having panels that are twice as efficient (which is what this development means in real terms) would easily solve that issue.
phatelectribe t1_it9mqpf wrote
I know it said you can’t use adhesive but superglue gel is PERFECT for this application. Apply a thin bead of it along the cable and press it in the place.
When you need to remove apply a little heat with a hairdryer and it will crack the superglue and pull right off. They won’t even notice as long as you use it sparingly.
phatelectribe t1_jdrhbq3 wrote
Reply to comment by TactlesslyTactful in The absolute unit of a prime rib my father in law got for his birthday dinner. by Reflex_Teh
And they wonder why colon cancer is the biggest killer disease in the USA.