
pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_j5e1paj wrote

the fact that this series is the talk of the town now is pretty wack. like, when tf did we start to care about Scooby-Doo and its characters? i swear there have been a Scooby-Doo project on almost every year for the past like... 3 decades, and not one got this much attention.


pm_me_reason_to_livx OP t1_j55mqgv wrote

> Veneno

great pick... great pick.

> Severance

I'd have to see with Severance. All the other shows I picked have self-contained stories... where as, they wouldn't necessarily need a 2nd season (though second seasons of Squid Game and Blindspotting are coming), but Severance is the kind of series where it all goes down the drain if they aren't able to give us a payoff that's both satisfying and makes sense. kno what i mean?


pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_j4wuqut wrote

> I can't tell if it just hasn't aged as well

When I watched The Sopranos for the first time in 2018 this was my exact thought as well. I quit right after finishing season 2 as well.

I don't know, at the time when I watched it, I just thought everything I was seeing in The Sopranos I'd seen done much more interestingly in other modern crime-dramas. I won't deny that it's groundbreaking though, but at that point (2018) I think it might've lost a lot of its appeal/value.

I will say though, out of the 2 seasons I watch, I saw 2 episodes that were really outstanding. Masterpieces even. One was titled "College". I don't remember the title of the other one.


pm_me_reason_to_livx OP t1_j2fjsf2 wrote

😅 bruh... are you stalking me?

plus, i feel like you're taking me way too seriously. especially with the comments. im fuckin' around most of the time. but yes, i will defend shows i love to death when there are disagreeing comments. ain't nothing wrong with that. 🤷🏾‍♂️


pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_j21va9c wrote

> I can't deny any "impact" I'm unaware of.

don't you watch the show, or are you just not linked to the anime fandom like that? i'm not either as im just a casual, but even i know there hasn't been a bigger anime than demon slayer since demon slayer. it's one that really broke out mainstream. even the Japanese prime minister cosigned it.

> And I only listed 1 show because this article already lists plenty of examples.

i mean yea there'll always be plenty of examples in any given year, but my point is i could list even more and better examples for 2019. 😅

bruh i've been watching close to 100, sometimes 100+ shows a year since 2016 - 2017. and believe me... 2019 is a strong fucking year! I forgot to mention Watchmen came out that year. Fuck... The Boys came out that year too! It was a solid year whether you like anime, k-drama, prestige drama or even avant-garde television. solid year.
