
pomegranatecloud t1_ixypyiz wrote

You don’t need to tag your luggage. You don’t need to wait in line at the ticket counter unless you need help with something. You can show your ticket from your phone or go to the kiosk and have it printed.

Look at the screens that tell you which track the trains are leaving from. Go wait in line outside your track. If you don’t know what a line is for ask someone.


pomegranatecloud t1_ixr00sa wrote

I’ve lived in DC for over 12 years most of which without a car. IME the expectation is everyone gets to and from places on their own. If you don’t want to drive your friends don’t offer. I don’t think there’s any expectation of a ride unless you guys are going some place together that actually requires driving to get to like to a winery, hiking, day trip, etc. For that I would expect your friends to find your way to and from their place on their own versus you picking them up. If you’re being asked to drive your friends places it’s perfectly fine to decline.


pomegranatecloud t1_ixfrjvx wrote

No, outside dining is great and it should be expanded more. It’s a much better use of the space than for parking. I say that as a resident who actually lives in one of those areas and also owns a car.

If you have an issue with hauling your car in from the burbs and finding street parking, take public transportation or pay to park in a garage instead of complaining about outdoor dining. Or just stay in the burbs.


pomegranatecloud t1_ixeljh0 wrote

I’d say 7:30 then. But I’m also someone who is always absurdly early. Security is usually very efficient but the day before thanksgiving is always insane, and every person who has apparently never been to an airport ever will be in line and hold things up. And half of precheck will be people who “didn’t know” they don’t have precheck. If you’re not super at anal about being late then 8 should be fine.


pomegranatecloud t1_ixeknjj wrote

Checking a bag? Will you require counter service?

Personally I’d arrive by 7:00 am or 7:30 am at the absolute latest. Tomorrow is the busiest travel day. I prefer to be way too early than be stressed about missing my flight. If you’re driving to the airport or taking a taxi you’ll definitely want some extra time for traffic.


pomegranatecloud t1_iupk8wz wrote

Welcome to the world. Look forward to your post on discovering that you can save money while cooking at home once you stumble upon that common discovery.


pomegranatecloud t1_iu2webx wrote

Yes. I’ve ran in the dark regularly here for well over 10 years much later than 6:30/7 pm. I don’t know where you’re running exactly but I’ve always passed a fair amount of other runners out before 9:30 pm even in winter. Plenty of people out walking before 10 pm too. After 10, there’s not a ton of people out unless it’s a Friday or Saturday. I wouldn’t worry about 630/7 pm at all. Your biggest worry should be cars running lights, not stopping, or just not paying attention. Every time I’ve been harassed has been in the early morning not evenings except once at 5:30 pm in broad day light on a U street with tons of people walking by where a man tried to grab me. The number of times I’ve almost been hit by a car when I have the right away exponentially outnumbers the times I’ve been harassed.


pomegranatecloud t1_itt6smv wrote

Reply to comment by Richg420 in Speed cam ticket by Richg420

36 is speeding if it was above the speed limit, which you’ve already stated was 25. 11 over isn’t barely speeding. Make excuses all you want for why you failed to follow the law, including that you only kinda sorta broke it but barely or that where you live you can break the law with impunity if it makes you feel better. It’s shady that you got caught breaking the law and punished for doing so? 🤣 Your lack of personal responsibility for your actions is only a reflection on you and the type of person you are. Stop pretending you’re the victim here.


pomegranatecloud t1_itt00s4 wrote

So you were speeding, you admit you were speeding, even got warned in the Waze app, and somehow think it’s unfair you got a ticket for breaking the rules because in your opinion you didn’t go as fast as you could. Wow.


pomegranatecloud t1_itgrsqi wrote

REI has some organized local trips where they supply everything and transportation. The DC REI doesn’t do backpacking/camping rentals last time I checked. You’d probably be better off looking into local groups or finding a friend who shares the same interests who maybe has excess gear unless you want to rent or buy.

Nothings stopping you from renting a car and finding a gear rental place. I’d be surprised if you couldn’t find gear rental places near Shenandoah or the more popular WV hiking and camping spots. Might be more rental places in the DMV burbs.