popeboyQ t1_j9te2d9 wrote
Reply to comment by themadsedater in Do I have to drive to DC for decent weed? by [deleted]
Yeah, I'm too new to the area. I don't know a soul outside of my jorb.
popeboyQ t1_j9tdxl5 wrote
Reply to comment by Bigolecattitties in Do I have to drive to DC for decent weed? by [deleted]
I have too much self respect to be a cop.
popeboyQ t1_j9t8z0m wrote
Reply to Holiday Fridaily by ChupacabraRVA
Had to call in sick today. My mother took yesterday's warm weather a little too hard... She's been puking and dry heaving since yesterday afternoon.
I'm trying to convince her to go to Patient First or something this morning. The last time she was like this she ended up in the hospital for days.
Fingers crossed.
popeboyQ t1_j9t1b3j wrote
Reply to comment by Chickenmoons in Do I have to drive to DC for decent weed? by [deleted]
Well shit.
popeboyQ t1_j93ko4h wrote
Karen gonna Karen, but you good.
Source: not a lawyer
popeboyQ t1_j7pennb wrote
Reply to Save Yummvees Wedsdaily! by njbrews
It used to be the booze, but now it's all about the grilled meats!
I'm not necessarily rooting for the Chiefs, but fuck the Eagles.
popeboyQ t1_j6i0hax wrote
Reply to Happily cold and rainy Mondaily. by Swrdmn
Half a shift at work today. Only 4 hours, and after working Sunday. Fingers crossed it's a slow day.
popeboyQ t1_j6cv0nc wrote
Reply to comment by ImmobilizedbyCheese in Wake up losers, it's Sunday by Stitchmond
Oh, they'd figure out a way to pump some prescription pill ads into rugby.
popeboyQ t1_j6ctl9d wrote
Reply to Wake up losers, it's Sunday by Stitchmond
Short shift at work today (done by 3) and then it's SNL from last night and football!
popeboyQ t1_j60fpbg wrote
Reply to comment by dreww4546 in date night ideas? by Sweaty_Telephone_618
What's Rule 1 about that thing we don't talk about?
popeboyQ t1_j5tndfq wrote
No work today!
I'm just going to lounge around, smoke something funny, watch something funny, and enjoy the rain.
popeboyQ t1_j5j2nxh wrote
Reply to comment by Kineda77 in 1600 Monument Ave. What the Heck is Going On? by skinnylynnie80
What's that site?
popeboyQ t1_j3w2tcb wrote
Reply to comment by BookDingo in Wednesdaily by stickynohte
I'll try to remember!
popeboyQ t1_j3w1nvb wrote
Reply to Wednesdaily by stickynohte
Today is a day off! Gonna do some rearranging of my action figure collection and take myself out to see M3GAN.
My expectations for the flick are so low they're subterranean, should be fun with some edibles and (I hope) an empty theater.
popeboyQ t1_j2apjar wrote
Reply to comment by RealSunglassesGuy in Question for those who’ve seen Dark Fate, and may even like it. by Screenwriter6788
I just took a dump that was better than Genysis.
popeboyQ t1_j2an3p6 wrote
My heart...
popeboyQ t1_j23dvn1 wrote
Reply to Airport Daily by SnarkMatter
I'd rather be at the airport than at work...
popeboyQ t1_j201ser wrote
Reply to comment by JamesBhand-007 in Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
That's it!
popeboyQ t1_j1z4ln6 wrote
Reply to Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
I went to a seafood restaurant in Chester a few weeks ago with the family, I had my heart set on a piece of salmon. I ended up with a burger... How the fuck does a seafood restaurant not have any salmon?
I can't remember the name of the place, but it started with an F. Flamingos? Flanagans? Something...
popeboyQ t1_j1vcsx8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
That ain't me. I'm the bearded, tattooed one who is usually singing to himself
popeboyQ t1_j1u2389 wrote
Reply to Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
Gotta work til 3... In the deli at your neighborhood grocery store... Kill me.
popeboyQ t1_j1q7jxu wrote
Reply to comment by Btdtsouthside in Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Hey thanks!
popeboyQ t1_j1q1uy0 wrote
Reply to Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Got the day off but I'm dealing with a toothache. I think I'm going to do some retail therapy (online, I can't stand crowds, plus it's colder than shit) to get my mind off of it.
popeboyQ t1_j1k9wif wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Christmas Eve Nightly by CopOnTheRun
popeboyQ t1_j9th4ts wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do I have to drive to DC for decent weed? by [deleted]
Well, that's lucky for you. I'm new here and don't know anyone