popeboyQ t1_j1q1uy0 wrote
Reply to Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Got the day off but I'm dealing with a toothache. I think I'm going to do some retail therapy (online, I can't stand crowds, plus it's colder than shit) to get my mind off of it.
popeboyQ t1_j1k9wif wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Christmas Eve Nightly by CopOnTheRun
popeboyQ t1_j0buh0j wrote
Reply to Rainy Thursdaily by shhimhuntingrabbits
Small Change by Tom Waits.
popeboyQ t1_j01hn3b wrote
Reply to Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Hooray for a day off!
All I want for Christmas is a big booty hoe!
popeboyQ t1_izekkrx wrote
Reply to comment by TheFakePlissken in Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Awww shit, how am I just now learning this?
popeboyQ t1_iycwmeb wrote
Reply to comment by D-luxxxx in Ed Helms Boards Jennifer Garner Comedy ‘Family Leave’ At Netflix, McG to Direct by darkness_escape
Nah, T3 did it first. Salvation isn't even close to being the worst in the series, especially considering Genesys and Dark Fate.
popeboyQ t1_iy863j4 wrote
Reply to Need to find Urologist asap by wilsonwilsonxoxo
Ooof, I've passed a few of those bad boys. Made me want to punch kittens, it hurt so much.
popeboyQ t1_iy85uq2 wrote
Reply to comment by alexfromjupiter in Tuesdaily by Quardener
Careful with that attitude, you could end up wiping asses for pennies.
popeboyQ t1_iy01rr0 wrote
Reply to comment by FeralCheshireKitten in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
I have no idea
popeboyQ t1_ixzakl9 wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
Exactly! And now the rent prices are comparable to LA.
AZ can lick my blow-hole.
popeboyQ t1_ixz43hn wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
I lived out there until recently. An old friend used to work there, hooked me up on sweet cheap stays.
I'm so happy to be out of "The Valley of the Sun". That shit melted my brain.
popeboyQ t1_ixz38e1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
You're a crazy person. Be safe!
popeboyQ t1_ixz337n wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
The Princess in Scottsdale, AZ. Holy shit, it's like draping yourself in a cloud.
popeboyQ t1_ixyvu8o wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
Hey thanks!
I've got extra robes. Nicest ones from all types of hotels.
popeboyQ t1_ixyu37l wrote
Reply to Rainy, post-Thanksgiving Sundaily by AidCookKnow
This is my first Holiday season in RVA. It's kinda lonely to be honest.
Loving the rain though, gives me a reason to keep my robe on all day.
popeboyQ OP t1_ixskq68 wrote
Reply to comment by Treymolken in Why is Megan Wise the meteorologist for two different channels? by popeboyQ
popeboyQ OP t1_ixsf8lp wrote
Reply to comment by craftbeerva in Why is Megan Wise the meteorologist for two different channels? by popeboyQ
One would think as much.
popeboyQ OP t1_ixsejgr wrote
Reply to comment by Vapid_Ingenue in Why is Megan Wise the meteorologist for two different channels? by popeboyQ
The game has changed!
popeboyQ t1_ixobbil wrote
Reply to Thanksnightly by cleverocks
Trivial pursuit, football, food, family, and pot. It's been a good day and I never had to leave the house.
popeboyQ t1_ixepsf1 wrote
Reply to comment by Wonderful_Tonight_59 in Where to buy Honey Baked Ham alternative? by Chipring13
Kroger is now Boars Head and Private Selection only. No Honey Baked Hams and if you wanted a Turkey, that ship sailed last week.
popeboyQ t1_ixd8dcy wrote
Reply to comment by progressiveinva69 in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
Shit happens, it's what drove me to make my original comment.
Lady was acting like I killed her kid or something.
popeboyQ t1_ixd6u9r wrote
Reply to comment by progressiveinva69 in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
The Instacart people are some of the biggest pricks! Just this morning I had an Instacart lady go full blown mental because we didn't have any honey ham.
popeboyQ t1_ixd3ptt wrote
Reply to Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
Hey, all of you who like to be assholes to grocery store employees, cut it the fuck out. It's the holidays, be kind. We're stressed out and doing the best we can.
It won't take much for us to snap.
popeboyQ t1_j1q7jxu wrote
Reply to comment by Btdtsouthside in Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Hey thanks!