powercow t1_j1xqvf3 wrote
Reply to comment by IvetRockbottom in Polar bears dying at a rapid rate near Canada's "Polar Bear Capital" as Arctic sea ice disappears by decorama
mostly gone by 2050 but supposed to hang on by 2100. Though by then most will be pizzlies, polar grizzly hybrids.
powercow t1_j1xqimo wrote
Reply to comment by dijkstras_revenge in Polar bears dying at a rapid rate near Canada's "Polar Bear Capital" as Arctic sea ice disappears by decorama
Pandas seem to be trying to genocide themselves. They went from eating high calorie meat to one of the least nutritious plants out there. They sleep more than cats because they get no energy from bamboo. Females are in heat a max of 3 days out of the year. and they dont live with mates or a group, so the male has to find them during those 3 days, if he even cares about having sex which often they dont seem to. AND if she chooses him, and shes picky as hell and tends to not like anyone new doesnt matter if he is more healthy, she wants to get to know them first. And then tends to have only one cub. Well tend to birth two but one almost always dies.
Its baffling pandas are still around for us to talk about. them sloths and sunfish, just seem to be begging for extinction to take them.
powercow t1_ishztdj wrote
Reply to comment by Xais56 in When it's said 99.9% of human DNA is the same in all humans, is this referring to only coding DNA or both coding and non-coding DNA combined? by PeanutSalsa
oh for sure some have similar or even less than us. I was talking more about on the average side of things, we are a bit less genetically diverse than most. But especially among endangered species id expect diversity to be likely to be lower than ours. Not all that long ago they discovered a family of stick insect that everyone thought was extinct, living in a bush on a remote island. Since only a single family of them were found, its unlikely they are as diverse as we are.
powercow t1_ish1kn3 wrote
Reply to comment by sunplaysbass in When it's said 99.9% of human DNA is the same in all humans, is this referring to only coding DNA or both coding and non-coding DNA combined? by PeanutSalsa
from what i read, we have less variation than other animals. due to some event 70,000 years ago that caused our population to collapse to only a few thousand
powercow t1_j49gqw2 wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreat_War_Machine in Corridors between Western U.S. national parks would greatly increase the persistence time of mammals. Establishing an expanded protected area network based on identified mammal pathways and incorporating adjacent wilderness areas would greatly enlarge available habitat for mammal species by Wagamaga
sure it does, you still got to eat, thats more demand. Because i bought more tomatoes than I needed and threw some out and went to buy more, that was more tomato demand than if i bought just the right amount. That definitely does effect price.