ppitm t1_j7ccbmu wrote
Reply to comment by benjesty2002 in Red sky at night, sailors delight. by linuxknight
This saying only makes logical sense if the weather pattern is generally clouds moving west to east. So that might not really describe England the way it does the eastern US.
ppitm t1_j7c0q11 wrote
Reply to comment by ed74morrow in Map published by FEMA showing potential US nuclear targets in 2,000 and 500 warhead scenarios. by busback
Exactly. Being vaporized is far preferable to starvation or living in the theocracy that would replace the US government.
ppitm t1_j6zw2mo wrote
Reply to comment by steelymouthtrout in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
It might be a good start in some places, but only a start and not remotely a solution. We would have a housing crisis anyway.
ppitm t1_j6n0pk8 wrote
Lots of ice fishermen and skaters out. Lower Ossipee Pond was fine, as was Middle Range Pond. These are quite far apart, so most ponds should be fine at this point for foot traffic. A small pond I visited on Sunday in Hebron had like 8 inches of ice and snowmobiles driving on it.
Just stick to where you see other fishermen and if it is much above freezing, get off the ice by early afternoon.
Most people forget that that the night is twice as long as the day. So just because your phone says it's a high of 38 degrees doesn't mean it's a no-go. You can also attach a large nail to a heavy broom handle and make your own testing pole.
ppitm t1_j68fca5 wrote
Reply to comment by both-shoes-off in South Portland after classes today by Big_Psychology_5085
The owner sometimes rows peoples' ashes out to sea, I believe
ppitm t1_j5s6ntm wrote
Because Maine's only nuclear plant was shut down and not replaced. Then gas prices went through the roof.
ppitm t1_j5oh064 wrote
Reply to Alright folks, 25” since Friday another 8-12” on the horizon followed by rain. At what point should I seriously consider shoveling the roof? by [deleted]
Just reach up to knock away a foot of snow at the bottom of the roof. That will encourage the other slabs to slide off and help prevent ice dams.
ppitm t1_j5bgful wrote
Reply to comment by LiveOakPhotography in Uptah Camp - Burlington, Maine [OC] by LiveOakPhotography
Well maybe they're not getting away but getting to.
ppitm t1_j5a8k58 wrote
Reply to comment by otakugrey in Uptah Camp - Burlington, Maine [OC] by LiveOakPhotography
You just have to drive a long-ass way to get there. Same as many of the normal people who had them way back when.
ppitm t1_j57t2je wrote
Reply to comment by Ancient-Access8131 in What is going on with egg prices? by [deleted]
No, meat chickens are a totally different species from laying chickens. About as different as chihuahuas and dobermans. They're mutants, really. Congenitally obese and die of heart attacks if you don't eat them.
ppitm t1_j55eswn wrote
Reply to comment by badhmorrigan in What is going on with egg prices? by [deleted]
But chicken meat prices have actually declined since September
ppitm t1_j551oxt wrote
Reply to comment by badhmorrigan in What is going on with egg prices? by [deleted]
We don't eat egg chickens
ppitm t1_j4g749u wrote
Reply to Will our beautiful state be overrun by climate migration from others? by DisciplineFull9791
Just make sure it's responsible and sustainable development. Ban suburbia. You can fit a lot of people in that way, without ruining the entire landscape.
ppitm t1_j4dg41d wrote
Reply to Is Fidium worth it for WFH? by Alkivar
I work from home with 4G sometimes, no problem
ppitm t1_j4908ox wrote
1300 Sq ft with gas for heating, cooking and hot water. Last bill was $66.00, although it was down in the 30s a year ago before natural gas prices went insane. Bring back Maine Yankee, please.
ppitm t1_j3sxkcn wrote
Reply to Shore fishing in Portland? by Gitzit
From the rocks at Two Lights State Park for stripers. Look for the little cove just west of the park boundary.
ppitm t1_j2safwe wrote
Reply to comment by thelumpya2 in Smithfield man dies when UTV breaks through ice at North Pond - Lewis… by yzfmike
Around Bethel there was still plenty of thick ice. Getting a bit dicey though, and ideally people would have proper testing equipment with them and think hard about the risks.
ppitm t1_j2fek1n wrote
Reply to Is anyone near Wells hearing large booms today? Does anyone know what it is? by CreatrixAnima
Beachfront property owners learning what flood insurance costs after last week's storm
ppitm t1_j2dovt1 wrote
Reply to comment by International-Pen940 in Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
Man, just look 30 minutes away in New Hampshire. Strip malls in mountain valleys.
ppitm t1_j2achvx wrote
You can find lots of ice that thick much farther south, but there is a serious thaw underway. And it's a big deep lake. Conditions could be wildly different in different parts of it.
ppitm t1_j2a9omx wrote
Reply to comment by SolarGuyInMaine in Big Push to get folks to sign up for solar power and save "up to 70%" For those who have signed up, what are your savings? by doggyfishbird
Except the legislature could yank back your net metering deal next Thursday if they want.
Which is honestly far more likely to happen than some out of state company exposing itself to massive class action lawsuits by breaching contracts with its customers.
ppitm t1_j2a22cs wrote
Reply to comment by SolarGuyInMaine in Big Push to get folks to sign up for solar power and save "up to 70%" For those who have signed up, what are your savings? by doggyfishbird
> If you don't own the array, on your own property, I wouldn't sign a contract with terms greater than 12 months. A lot of these huge ground mounts are being installed by out-of-state companies that have no permanent investment in Maine.
What does this even mean? Do you think they are going to rip out the panels and take them to New Jersey?
ppitm t1_j29hqox wrote
Reply to comment by Runnah5555 in Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
Honestly a lot of Oxford County and thereabouts is developing that kind of disgusting suburban sprawl in the rural areas. All the state routes are filling up with eyesores.
We have less sprawl than the rest of the country, but not because we have learned from their mistakes. Much the reverse, we are trying hard to catch up to them.
ppitm t1_j21vua5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Newcomers to New Hampshire and Maine continue to drive population growth: More people are dying than being born, so population growth depends on people moving in from elsewhere by TurretLauncher
Under the current economic system we need constant population and economic growth. Either that, or cut all government benefits for the elderly to the bone, and government debt along with it. Or full-on socialism. Not much middle ground.
If it sounds like a destructive ponzi scheme, it is. But believe me, the status quo is easier and kinder in the short term.
ppitm t1_j7cpmdi wrote
Reply to comment by 11feetWestofEast in Map published by FEMA showing potential US nuclear targets in 2,000 and 500 warhead scenarios. by busback
BIW is definitely a target in a high use scenario. Portland was already leaked as a Chinese countervalue target because it is easy to hit over the poles. They aim to hit at least one city in each state.