
ppitm t1_j6n0pk8 wrote

Lots of ice fishermen and skaters out. Lower Ossipee Pond was fine, as was Middle Range Pond. These are quite far apart, so most ponds should be fine at this point for foot traffic. A small pond I visited on Sunday in Hebron had like 8 inches of ice and snowmobiles driving on it.

Just stick to where you see other fishermen and if it is much above freezing, get off the ice by early afternoon.

Most people forget that that the night is twice as long as the day. So just because your phone says it's a high of 38 degrees doesn't mean it's a no-go. You can also attach a large nail to a heavy broom handle and make your own testing pole.


ppitm t1_j2a9omx wrote

Except the legislature could yank back your net metering deal next Thursday if they want.

Which is honestly far more likely to happen than some out of state company exposing itself to massive class action lawsuits by breaching contracts with its customers.


ppitm t1_j2a22cs wrote

> If you don't own the array, on your own property, I wouldn't sign a contract with terms greater than 12 months. A lot of these huge ground mounts are being installed by out-of-state companies that have no permanent investment in Maine.

What does this even mean? Do you think they are going to rip out the panels and take them to New Jersey?


ppitm t1_j29hqox wrote

Honestly a lot of Oxford County and thereabouts is developing that kind of disgusting suburban sprawl in the rural areas. All the state routes are filling up with eyesores.

We have less sprawl than the rest of the country, but not because we have learned from their mistakes. Much the reverse, we are trying hard to catch up to them.


ppitm t1_j21vua5 wrote

Under the current economic system we need constant population and economic growth. Either that, or cut all government benefits for the elderly to the bone, and government debt along with it. Or full-on socialism. Not much middle ground.

If it sounds like a destructive ponzi scheme, it is. But believe me, the status quo is easier and kinder in the short term.