
practical_fruit_7989 t1_iy84p5z wrote

Lol yeah it seemed pretty clear to me what you were saying 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t get why people hate on audio and why people always think there’s some audio vs print war going on. It’s fine to love both, or not. And I love this question because reading a book in print or audio can def make or break the experience, so I’d also love to hear what books people think work best on audio vs print. Ohh well.


practical_fruit_7989 t1_iy83oa9 wrote

Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau was AMAZING on audio. Really enhanced the experience, I think.

I also just read Remarkably Bright Creatures, and that really worked on audio. I don’t think I would’ve liked it as much as hard copy.

I read The Kiss Curse on audio, and I think that ruined the experience, should’ve read it in print. The narrator sucked.

I’ve started sampling audiobooks before committing to them and I think that has made a huge difference in helping me select which ones I’ll do audio vs print.