progressiveinva69 t1_j643e9e wrote
Reply to comment by WakeNikis in Kobe died 3 years ago today but my paper ball mural for him still remains at Randolph. Thanks to Richmond Times for the story. by jakevanyahres
Next they should do a dashaun watson mural....
progressiveinva69 t1_j643byl wrote
Reply to comment by mac_attack92 in Kobe died 3 years ago today but my paper ball mural for him still remains at Randolph. Thanks to Richmond Times for the story. by jakevanyahres
A tribute to a rapist is art?
progressiveinva69 t1_j6438ec wrote
Reply to Kobe died 3 years ago today but my paper ball mural for him still remains at Randolph. Thanks to Richmond Times for the story. by jakevanyahres
Why would you create a tribute to a known rapist?
progressiveinva69 t1_j5v3zzk wrote
Reply to comment by TheCheeseDevil in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
How nice
progressiveinva69 t1_j5puhm3 wrote
Reply to comment by BenSkrrt in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
Trust me, I am happy to not be claimed by you hicks.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5pi645 wrote
Reply to comment by Tryharder3212 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
How dare I don't have an opinion that is not part of the 1st world hive mind.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5pi0te wrote
Reply to comment by Tryharder3212 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
So we both commit time theft. So similar.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5phvqa wrote
Reply to comment by Tryharder3212 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
Funny, I am getting paid right now as well.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5phn6t wrote
Reply to comment by Tryharder3212 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
Interesting you failed to explain the context of that quote. That was about racist white women. Trust me I am no troll. I am real and I help people on reddit.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5pgx2m wrote
Reply to comment by Tryharder3212 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
Productive like scanning through someone's reddit history?
progressiveinva69 t1_j5p31nm wrote
Reply to comment by progressiveinva69 in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
Touched a nerve. I get it. No one wants their privilege pointed out.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5p2u2l wrote
Reply to comment by Flex_Bacontrim in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
The ability to eat a specialized diet is a first world phenomenon. All I ask is you people recognize how privileged you are.
progressiveinva69 t1_j5p29ri wrote
Reply to comment by coalmines in Today starts the V72x2 event: 144 hours of vegan food specials across RVA by coalmines
People who are subsisting on whatever meager food they can find. Find your lifestyle choice offensive.
“They make for bad travelers and bad guests. The notion that before you even set out to go to Thailand, you say, “I’m not interested,” or you’re unwilling to try things that people take so personally and are so proud of and so generous with, I don’t understand that, and I think it’s rude. You’re at Grandma’s house, you eat what Grandma serves you.”
“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.”
“I don’t have any understanding of it. Being a vegan is a first-world phenomenon, completely self-indulgent.”
-Anthony Bourdain
progressiveinva69 t1_j5os85u wrote
Gross. Veganism and vegetarianism is a Bourgeois and first world luxury.
progressiveinva69 t1_j01y9f2 wrote
Reply to Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
The girl I am friends with to feel the same way about me that I do about her.
progressiveinva69 t1_iyfb4fl wrote
Reply to comment by thesj180herself in Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is horrid.
progressiveinva69 t1_iyd624m wrote
Reply to Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Dreary, like my life.
progressiveinva69 t1_iy9dwwt wrote
Reply to comment by BubbleWrapGuy in Tuesdaily by Quardener
Do you have a good resource on how to properly microdose for my mental health?
progressiveinva69 t1_iy9dlst wrote
Reply to comment by AlreadyShrugging in Tuesdaily by Quardener
Right there with you. Life is awful right now. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about it.
progressiveinva69 t1_iy9daul wrote
My only friend told me she does not feel the same way romantically about me that I do about her. Devastated. She said I had a chance a few months back but she got tired of waiting for me. Now she is dating and I texted out of emotion this morning. Now she feels a bit alienated by my feelings. Taking a long break from each other even as friends. It's painful.
Yes I am Watching. GO USA or whatever. I like Ohio sports teams more towards the Cincinnati side of the state. Sans the Cleveland cavs and Gaurdians.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixdg4rf wrote
Reply to comment by turnOn in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
Therapy is good.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixdd2ur wrote
Reply to comment by turnOn in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
I am so sorry to hear this. Savor the time with him this week. As for your partner. Maybe just focus on your dad at this time and talk with them as why they were emotional unavailable for you during this time.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd763l wrote
Reply to comment by popeboyQ in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
I'm sorry to hear that.
progressiveinva69 t1_ixd6qwt wrote
Reply to comment by TheCheeseDevil in Where's the Tuesdaily? by TheCheeseDevil
progressiveinva69 t1_j644em2 wrote
Reply to comment by Ravenwater in Kobe died 3 years ago today but my paper ball mural for him still remains at Randolph. Thanks to Richmond Times for the story. by jakevanyahres
Thinking about a rapist makes you smile? WTF is wrong with you?