Man fuck cancer. Sorry about your situation and thank you for sharing this story. Being a hypochondriac this makes me want to rush to the hospital and get checked for everything especially being 31 myself. Also admire your bravery throughout your terrible situation.
Might be a stupid question and I am not trying to be rude.
I just want to ask does it hurt?
I was told that cancer didn’t hurt, however I have seen my uncle go through stage four and it seemed horribly painful.
projekt_rekt t1_j6x7de1 wrote
Reply to I'm (m) 31 years old from Germany and am dying of germ cell cancer! AMA by Reiiser
Man fuck cancer. Sorry about your situation and thank you for sharing this story. Being a hypochondriac this makes me want to rush to the hospital and get checked for everything especially being 31 myself. Also admire your bravery throughout your terrible situation.
Might be a stupid question and I am not trying to be rude.
I just want to ask does it hurt?
I was told that cancer didn’t hurt, however I have seen my uncle go through stage four and it seemed horribly painful.