
puttinonthefoil t1_j6o426m wrote

There isn’t conflicting data on sentencing. The modern studies all say the same thing, and it is logically true - do you know the penalty for grand larceny? Aggravated assault? No, of course you don’t. So how is a long potential sentence a deterrent?

I don’t have an instinct on this, I read the data and see what it says. And the modern studies all say the same thing: harsher penalties do not deter crime.


puttinonthefoil t1_j6mwpwp wrote

Sounds great, right?

And yet study, after study, after study has shown that stiffer penalties do little to curb crime.


Editing to add: I love how Reddit is all about data and then when you bring up data that goes against their instincts on criminal justice it’s just straight vitriol and downvotes.


puttinonthefoil t1_is8j3vj wrote

Lol, ya got me! I’m a trump supporter because Top Gear, like all television shows, is exaggerated for entertainment. Lol.

The white lady who’s anti-gay and Hillary called a truck full of non-white people as cavalry?

I’ve seen every episode of TG. They exaggerate for entertainment in literally every episode.


puttinonthefoil t1_is81s1k wrote

There is literally not a single person being aggressive toward them on camera in the USA clip. They play spooky music under what looks like a truck full of migrant workers and zoom in on a dog. It’s all in editing. Did they get yelled at? I’m sure. Was it to the level of the literal fleeing for their lives they depicted it as? There’s no way.


puttinonthefoil t1_is5yfu4 wrote

You can't fake the reaction? Really? It would be impossible to have the show's producers yell things off camera to "scare" the hosts for post production? You notice you don't see anyone yelling specifically (they make it seem like the white van/truck guy kind of says something driving by, but he's clearly leaving the area and his lips aren't moving!), just off screen yells.

Anyone whose face is shown speaking on camera has to sign a release to their likeness rights. So this woman signed something to let them use their likeness: https://youtu.be/pKcJ-0bAHB4?t=294

Then this "ominous truck" arrives (spoiler, it's people getting some lunch with spooky music under it). We never see the truck actually chase them, just some spooky music and people running like the Blair Witch Project.


Obviously, Hammond and co. have had horrific injuries due to performing stunts. That's not fake. What is easily faked is the sense of danger on a tv "documentary".


puttinonthefoil t1_is5prd0 wrote

It is truly amazing that so many people on here don't realize this is all fake. It's a TV SHOW, folks! Top Gear's "specials" are always goosed for the camera.
