rainawaytheday t1_je4ncal wrote
Reply to comment by MyVoiceIsElevating in This art installment in Chicago resembles the Reddit upvote and downvote icons. by Candid-Race-4876
But then the blue flame is hotter than red
rainawaytheday t1_ivhr4ys wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in LPT: If you're buying a shoe. Make sure its body is stitched to the sole, not glued. by [deleted]
Only 50$?
rainawaytheday t1_iv0b6wi wrote
Reply to comment by 5GCovidInjection in How many children did Homo Erectus tend to have? by [deleted]
A big difference is the further back you go, you get a much larger birthing canal and babies carried in a longer term. So we have bigger, older, healthier babys being born easier, with less potential complications.
rainawaytheday t1_jeewe5k wrote
Reply to Depressing Song List by Economy_Ear_3357
Marilyn Manson - the nobodies