rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8lssup wrote
Reply to comment by sammmythegr8 in First time trying lino cutting by rainbowsprinkles_
Yes it’s a.rose.designs 😊
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8l9406 wrote
Reply to comment by Aliteracy in First time trying lino cutting by rainbowsprinkles_
This is what I’m using
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8kuqlu wrote
Reply to comment by redditdood99 in First time trying lino cutting by rainbowsprinkles_
I’m actually not sure but I think it’s most similar to Japanese or traditional tattoo styles
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8kt2er wrote
Reply to comment by labroid in First time trying lino cutting by rainbowsprinkles_
I lost track of time but it was a few hours
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixl9893 wrote
Reply to comment by LoGMunKy in Skate deck I started painting last night. One of my favorite animals by rainbowsprinkles_
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixl8so8 wrote
Reply to comment by Snoringdragon in Skate deck I started painting last night. One of my favorite animals by rainbowsprinkles_
Thanks! I used an acrylic paint pen for the thinner lines
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixkp6c0 wrote
Reply to comment by ArbourGarden in Skate deck I started painting last night. One of my favorite animals by rainbowsprinkles_
Thank you!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixkp5jd wrote
Reply to comment by lazyforaname in Skate deck I started painting last night. One of my favorite animals by rainbowsprinkles_
Thanks! I actually bought a wood burner but I’ve only tested it out once and it was harder than I thought it’d be haha. Hoping to do a board one day after some more practice
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixjyv1g wrote
Reply to comment by chooseplayer1 in Skate deck I started painting last night. One of my favorite animals by rainbowsprinkles_
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_isozf7z wrote
Reply to comment by Destroy_The_Rich in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
Thank you!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ismu95l wrote
Reply to comment by UnfetteredThoughts in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
Molotow one4all acrylic markers! And pigma microns for the shading
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ism9af8 wrote
Reply to comment by bryan_pieces in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
I’m planning on doing a resin! I’m not going to use this to ride but I’ve seen other artists ride boards that have that coating
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ism8udo wrote
Reply to comment by PhilGoodness in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
I’m planning on it! Trying to focus on personal pieces for now, but I’d like to start selling and maybe do commission early next year
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ism8lvh wrote
Reply to comment by arfaz08 in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
Thanks! I didn’t keep track for this but I’d say 20+ hours. Brainstorming ideas takes like 5 hours, sketch takes probably 10-15, and then the marker part probably takes another 10
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_isli8gb wrote
Reply to comment by Even-Imagination6242 in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
Thank you!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_islf9yy wrote
Reply to comment by Friskyie in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
Thank you!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iskz6ma wrote
Reply to comment by victory_screech in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
No I use black ink for the whole board and do the shading with a smaller pen
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iskrlsv wrote
Reply to comment by DoktorThodt in Skate deck progress. Finally finished! by rainbowsprinkles_
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iruim6m wrote
Reply to comment by dr_strangeland in Progress on the skate deck I'm working on. Now just have to fill in the mountains, sky, and water! by rainbowsprinkles_
Not yet but I’m planning on it once I make a few more pieces!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_irteyxo wrote
Reply to comment by bonesy420 in Progress on the skate deck I'm working on. Now just have to fill in the mountains, sky, and water! by rainbowsprinkles_
Thanks! I have no idea honestly haha but definitely over 10 including the sketching part
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_irp2hk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Dry_Boots in Time lapse of a skate deck I'm drawing on. Going to be filling in the waves next by rainbowsprinkles_
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iroatd7 wrote
Reply to comment by susara86 in Time lapse of a skate deck I'm drawing on. Going to be filling in the waves next by rainbowsprinkles_
Molotow one4all acrylic markers, I like them a lot
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iroaof8 wrote
Reply to comment by MugCookie in Time lapse of a skate deck I'm drawing on. Going to be filling in the waves next by rainbowsprinkles_
Thanks! It’s hard to say because it’s been really on and off. I used to draw a ton in high school but I would only do realistic art. Then in college I didn’t have time to do that kind of art but I doodled all the time in my notes and that style is the same as what I do now (wavy lines, patterns, geometric art, etc). I started taking it more seriously 3 years ago but took a 1.5 year break during covid lol and now just starting again!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_irnspwd wrote
Reply to comment by nah_champa_967 in Time lapse of a skate deck I'm drawing on. Going to be filling in the waves next by rainbowsprinkles_
I’m planning on it! Still deciding on design ideas if you have any suggestions 😊
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j92cvh3 wrote
Reply to comment by 19IXI91 in First time trying lino cutting by rainbowsprinkles_