ramasamymd OP t1_j8p09fy wrote
Reply to comment by Reviewingremy in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
According to the sources, the failure rate for vasectomies is very low, with only one to two in 1,000 men experiencing a failed vasectomy. However, in rare cases, a vasectomy can fail if the doctor misses the vas deferens during the procedure, and the tube can regrow, though this is very uncommon. Another possible cause of failure is having sex too soon after the surgery, without using an alternate form of birth control.
I typically dont use pain killers before or after vasectomy. Just local anesthesia.
ramasamymd OP t1_j8ozy3y wrote
Reply to comment by Reviewingremy in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
According to the sources, the failure rate for vasectomies is very low, with only one to two in 1,000 men experiencing a failed vasectomy. However, in rare cases, a vasectomy can fail if the doctor misses the vas deferens during the procedure, and the tube can regrow, though this is very uncommon. Another possible cause of failure is having sex too soon after the surgery, without using an alternate form of birth control.
I typically dont prescribe pain killers either before or after the procedure beyond just the local anesthesia.
ramasamymd OP t1_j8ozl66 wrote
Reply to comment by Reader532 in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
One study conducted by researchers at Northwestern University found that men with PPA were more likely to have undergone vasectomy than cognitively normal men of the same age, with 40% of men with PPA having had a vasectomy compared to 16% of others. However, it's important to note that this study only showed a correlation and not causation. Further research is needed to determine whether there is a causal relationship between vasectomy and PPA or other forms of dementia. It's also worth mentioning that the vast majority of men who have undergone a vasectomy do not experience any negative effects on their cognitive abilities.
ramasamymd OP t1_j8oz06k wrote
Reply to comment by Gutterghoul in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
This is because sperm can remain in the semen and the reproductive system for several months following the procedure, and it can take up to 90 days or more for all the remaining sperm to clear out despite several ejaculations.
ramasamymd OP t1_j8oydot wrote
Reply to comment by tagwords in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
the success of a vasectomy reversal can vary based on various factors such as the experience of the surgeon, the technique used, and the specific circumstances of the patient. However, with proper surgical techniques, the success rate can be high. It is best to consult with a qualified medical professional for an individual assessment of your specific case. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21716894/
ramasamymd OP t1_j8p0anj wrote
Reply to comment by Free2fu-q-up in I'm Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, the Director of Reproductive Urology at the University of Miami. I'm here today to answer any questions you have about vasectomies. Ask me anything! by ramasamymd
According to the sources, the failure rate for vasectomies is very low, with only one to two in 1,000 men experiencing a failed vasectomy. However, in rare cases, a vasectomy can fail if the doctor misses the vas deferens during the procedure, and the tube can regrow, though this is very uncommon. Another possible cause of failure is having sex too soon after the surgery, without using an alternate form of birth control.