random_vermonter t1_iy3jxam wrote
Reply to comment by pretentiousignoramus in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
I’m not sure how more transplants are going to help when there’s a nasty housing crisis. I feel like people are ignoring this.
random_vermonter t1_iy3jq1s wrote
Reply to comment by pretentiousignoramus in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
I’m having a bit of difficulty wrapping my head around the idea of VT being “unfriendly” to business. How friendly do you think the state should be to businesses of all types?
Just a honest question.
random_vermonter t1_ixwrhtx wrote
Reply to Wednesday by Ill-Expert-9161
So they're defiling the Vermont flag by using it to represent a fictional Jericho?
I mean, if you're not going to shoot it in Vermont, stop using our state as a simple backdrop.
random_vermonter t1_ixct4jj wrote
Reply to comment by johneerottn2dacore in Off duty Vermont police officer shot by police for refusing to drop gun by VermontArmyBrat
Give your balls a tug, titfucker.
random_vermonter t1_ix4230b wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Open Discrimination within the Agency of Human Services -- State Funded Abuse of a Vulnerable Population by lindrios
Yeah I mean, WHO does he think this program is for? You're going to have people who are struggling who may be disrespectful and uncaring because they're in an untenable situation. They may make messes, disrupt the lives of others and do copious amounts of drugs. However, they are still human and should still be off of the streets where they're less of a danger to the public.
random_vermonter t1_ix40sjk wrote
Reply to Open Discrimination within the Agency of Human Services -- State Funded Abuse of a Vulnerable Population by lindrios
This is why I do not want to be in a hotel if I cannot find housing down the road. It's below me and others who deserve better.
random_vermonter t1_iwviku3 wrote
Reply to comment by skiitifyoucan in What is this garbage? It's neither syrup, nor Vermont.... by twowheels
I know that eating at Denny's in the past, you could request Vermont maple syrup. Not sure if this is still the case. I refuse to use any syrup that isn't pure Vermont maple syrup!
random_vermonter t1_iwumcqx wrote
I can't bother with church and religion in general because when I was younger, Jehovahs Witnesses would harass my family constantly to the point where my mother once chased them away with a broom. I call it "harassment" because when told "no", they just didn't stop coming. They continued to sporadically bother me and it turns out that other people with my disability have also been harassed by them. I got a letter last year from a local JW and again, I don't understand why they're so obsessed with recruitment.
I also had former friends that tried to recruit me into the local "born again christian" church group for people with my disability. Once again, I cut off those people when they wouldn't leave me alone. I have heard (and seen for myself) that they are some of the most judgmental, evil people and that most of them use the group for the community part.
random_vermonter t1_iwsca11 wrote
Reply to comment by Vermonter623 in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
Typical boomer response. I’d tell you about supply and demand but you’re stuck in the mindset that an American president personally controls this stuff instead of the markets. 🙄
random_vermonter t1_iws96s2 wrote
Reply to comment by Vermonter623 in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
Trump has dementia but you didn't hear that from me....
random_vermonter t1_iws9372 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
The farmer is triggered, hence the stupid sign. I love it when Biden lives rent-free in the heads of these bumpkins.
random_vermonter t1_iwmzl22 wrote
Reply to comment by CXB1313 in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
^ found the Malloy supporter ^
random_vermonter t1_iwmzd2u wrote
Reply to comment by JerryKook in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
Is this a joke candidate?
random_vermonter t1_ivysm7d wrote
Reply to Election Results - Top 5 Angry Eagle Voting Towns vs Top 5 Welch's Grapes Towns by HomeOnTheMountain_
Highgate is not a surprise. I know some salty people there.
random_vermonter t1_ivrp0rs wrote
Jarrod Sammis won? Ugh.
random_vermonter t1_ivmu44f wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Malloy has been deployed by VermontArmyBrat
It didn’t work. Clearly.
random_vermonter t1_ivmrl3g wrote
Reply to comment by bigtimesauce in Malloy has been deployed by VermontArmyBrat
random_vermonter t1_ivmrhfa wrote
Reply to comment by jaydenkirtawn in Malloy has been deployed by VermontArmyBrat
I think you'd need more than one person to fuck an eagle..
random_vermonter t1_ivml597 wrote
Reply to comment by bigtimesauce in Malloy has been deployed by VermontArmyBrat
Well, he fucked an eagle.
random_vermonter t1_ivmiuty wrote
Reply to Malloy has been deployed by VermontArmyBrat
Suck an egg, Malloy!
random_vermonter t1_ivlecp5 wrote
How pathetic do you have to be to steal catalytic converters?
random_vermonter t1_ivavsfb wrote
Reply to comment by GimmieJohnson in Re: Vermonters' reputed attitude toward out-of-staters by newsandseriousstuff
Won’t argue there. The folks I knew were from TN and NC. I stress that not everyone is as bad as they were to me.
random_vermonter t1_ivadbgk wrote
Don't assume that all Vermonters are "bristly". You kind of did with that your first sentence. You sound nice compare to the last southern transplants that I met, who were rude and white-trashy.
random_vermonter t1_iv8b38j wrote
Reply to Allegedly. . . by BeneficialQuestion75
random_vermonter t1_iy3kdjv wrote
Reply to comment by pretentiousignoramus in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
Fair enough. There has to be balance because as you said, big businesses love to run amok when there is lax regulation.