
randomnighmare t1_izgxg1x wrote

Yeah, I wrote that half-awake but here is a better telling of the story of Virginia's claims in PA:


And another source:


Keep in mind that Jefferson became governor in 1773.


randomnighmare t1_ize806b wrote

Virginia claimed that it was there and Jefferson when he was Virginia's governor sent some of his militia into PA. They were captured and a note was found from Jefferson that ended, "destroy this message".

What to be careful though is NY. They maybe a bit salty losing Erie.


randomnighmare t1_iz4no7p wrote

No they clearly used the same actors for the reboot. When you look at the comparison videos you can see that they are the same people but older. It's weird but also a nice touch that they got the same people. Now my head canon is that they live in a Groundhog Day type loop, living the same day over and over again, but they also age.



randomnighmare t1_iy5teb0 wrote

A Chinese company gave Musk money to buy Twitter (along with other companies from other countries) but this is only the start of Twitter turning into a worse place than FB.


I can only find one company from China but here is something:

Here is a list of the companies that gave Musk money. A certain Chinese company gave him, $500 million.



randomnighmare t1_ivi9ca7 wrote

>The Justice Department’s inspector general

Who is

[Michael Horowitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_E._Horowitz#:~:text=Michael%20Evan%20Horowitz%20(born%20September,United%20States%20Department%20of%20Justice.)

Which is the same guy who, in 2017:

>Horowitz announced in January 2017 that the Inspector General's office would examine evidence related to "allegations of misconduct" regarding FBI Director James B. Comey's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices and whether Justice Department employees leaked information improperly during the run-up to the 2016 United States presidential election.[6] In June 2018, Horowitz released his report, concluding that Peter Strzok and other FBI employees "brought discredit to themselves" and to the agency.




randomnighmare t1_ituppo9 wrote

For now but I would bet it's going to be voter a mix of intimidation/threats of violence/actual violence (like what is already happening in Arizona), them trying to throw out as many ballots as possible, Oz declaring "victory" before the election, Oz and the Republicans trying to end the vote count early, etc...