
ratmoustache t1_iyt41qt wrote

Yeah haha I’ll happily voluntarily disarm myself as soon as the gangsters and the secret service do the same. I’m not an ammosexual, if all guns evaporated tomorrow, I wouldn’t be upset and violent murders would go down everywhere. However, that’s not realistic, and if you think it is, you’re deluded. Gun laws just create a soft target


ratmoustache t1_iy7tvrd wrote

They’re just not paying attention, when stealing a vehicle they don’t check for occupants, tire pressure, make sure the all the turn signals and brake lights are working properly. They just bail if there’s a baby in it, they do t want the heat


ratmoustache t1_iy1ntpq wrote

A mook is someone who can’t google a word for themselves so they have to ask about it on reddit.

Edit: a mook is someone who is lazy, and possibly stupid, a waste of space, just a generic term for somebody I don’t like. It has no racial undertones or connotation


ratmoustache t1_ixzx4zb wrote

It’s always some mook in a rain colored car and usually going dangerously slow or fast. Normal people with situational awareness turn their goddam headlights on

Edit: I’m not a big proponent of laws but “wipers on lights on” makes absolute sense


ratmoustache t1_ix1mm3m wrote

Readings actually got some really cool pockets. Kinda a hike from your neighborhood, but I hope you had a blast


ratmoustache t1_ix1lfff wrote

>She said she fears for the assailants too. “They're going to run into somebody with a license to carry and they're going to be dead.”

-[Unidentified Neighbor] who might, unironically, be the smartest person in the city.

Stop voting away gun rights for law-abiding citizens. Kids like this operate with impunity knowing there’s good chance they’re running up on a soft target. Arm yourselves, how many times do the police have to show & prove their laziness & impotence?

Edit: add word