raynedanser t1_iti9pmo wrote
Reply to comment by c30mob in Republicans lying again... go figure by captd3adpool
It literally is a pro-GOP site. That casts doubt on it immediately. Yes, there's A tax. She is not raising it, no matter what the GOP tells you.
raynedanser t1_ithomyy wrote
Reply to comment by c30mob in Republicans lying again... go figure by captd3adpool
Please tell me that's not what you consider a reliable, trustworthy link.
raynedanser t1_isszl96 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Channel 8 was a little confused this morning by doctorbimbu
raynedanser t1_isq4ux8 wrote
Reply to comment by Scallywag328 in Foggy walk through a cementery in Sanford by Scallywag328
No worries. :) My grandparents and some other family are in there.
raynedanser t1_isq2twe wrote
Reply to comment by Scallywag328 in Foggy walk through a cementery in Sanford by Scallywag328
Was that to my guess? ;-)
raynedanser t1_isplau9 wrote
St. Ignacius?
raynedanser t1_isawrk9 wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
You're definitely not far from a denier if you think we could have stayed opened and risked who knows how many more lives. At the very least, I'm glad that wasn't your decision to make.
raynedanser t1_isaemsy wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
COVID, you moron. COVID.
You didn't answer me - where are your degrees from?
EDIT: You can be one of those idiotic Covid deniers all you want, but the science and the majority of the world disagrees with you. You just make yourself look bad.
raynedanser t1_isacdob wrote
Reply to comment by 06_tundra_4x4 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
>Do you remember the Japanese internment camps in the 1940s, the war on drugs, the Vietnam war, Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Those are not the same. We did not have a deadly virus making it's way around the globe. The fact that you could try to equivocate shows how sick you are.
raynedanser t1_isa699w wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
That is NOT everyone's experience and certainly not scientific proof. It's killed or permanently injured millions.
Where did you get your epidemiology and virology degrees from to know more than the doctors?
>Scared, don’t leave your fucking house
Are you a sociopath?
raynedanser t1_is802qg wrote
Reply to comment by MaineSoxGuy93 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Indeed. We hit the pause button, tried to minimize loss of life (Gods forbid)... But the economy chugged along.
raynedanser t1_is79ndj wrote
Reply to comment by fastIamnot in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Pretty sure if you ask him, he doesn't make mistakes.
raynedanser t1_is79hge wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
This tells me all I need to know about your morals right here. If you can back anyone like Trump or LePage... That's pretty low and disgusting.
raynedanser t1_is79eim wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
They didn't want hospitals overwhelmed. Staff/patient ratio, if you're so clever, I'm sure you understand it. but maybe not since you seem to think Janet personally is responsible for your friends' restaurant failing. (spoiler: she isn't)
raynedanser t1_is78z1a wrote
Reply to comment by rich6490 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
COVID. You dip. COVID. A deadly, contagious virus. A global pandemic. Get a clue.
raynedanser t1_is78q1y wrote
Reply to comment by CptnAlex in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
>people are wary of spoilers
I think you're right. I think most people are so disgusted by LePage getting in the first time, they won't risk it this time.
Or I hope, anyway.
raynedanser t1_is78kxc wrote
Reply to comment by Bywater in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Honestly, I feel like there's a loophole there that needs closing - not just a two term limit. Period. Not two terms and leave and come back and try for a third.
raynedanser t1_is78a5d wrote
Reply to comment by New-Work-139 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Obviously not.
raynedanser t1_is781j9 wrote
Reply to comment by 06_tundra_4x4 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
>hadn’t shut down the economy
raynedanser t1_is77vtz wrote
Reply to comment by 06_tundra_4x4 in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
> shutting down the state economy for nearly 2 years
My dear sweet summer child. We had a deadly, highly contagious, global pandemic going on. Was she supposed to simply ignore it? Silly child. If she'd done that, you would have been upset when everyone around you died from Covid because she didn't do enough. Governor Mills was in an impossible situation. She still is as people blame her for things that are not in her control.
raynedanser t1_irspq8j wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in Which one of you is it? by NamkrowTheRed
Not arguing that, but sometimes shit happens and they may not make it in time - Mine are, but I know real life can be hectic, too. Just commenting that they don't usually bother with only a few days. Months now... They don't like that. ;-)
raynedanser t1_irshzs0 wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in Which one of you is it? by NamkrowTheRed
They don't usually bother if it's only expired for 10 days. . .
raynedanser t1_irshtge wrote
Reply to comment by PlentyCommission166 in Which one of you is it? by NamkrowTheRed
Spell it out for us, please.
raynedanser t1_irr6j1w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Which one of you is it? by NamkrowTheRed
My dude. Inspection stickers do not go on plates.
raynedanser t1_itoyxeh wrote
Reply to I was pleasantly surprised to find this when I stepped off the train in Saco this weekend. Our streets should be like this year round. by yuvng_matt
That's awesome, but you won't find me there in the middle of February. 😁