
reaverdude t1_jbledwk wrote

Guess I should clarify for as yeah, that's doesn't make sense with just that information.

I had a best friend that lived directly across the street from this kid and his family. The kid I was bullying was the oldest of three sons.

One time when i went over to this friend's house, their entire family sat outside and waited for me to come out. The dad then sent his youngest son to come over to my friend's house and begin hitting plants, pots, the mailbox with a baseball bat.


reaverdude t1_jbi068d wrote

This happened to me but not as serious. I was bullying a kid for no reason because I was a dumb shit misguided kid and just picking on him every time we crossed paths. He never did anything to me ever, but I was just an asshole and it was 100 percent my fault.

Anyways, he told his dad and his dad came to school and began threatening me. He kept repeating "want me to tell my son to kick your ass?". It kind of back fired because you could tell his son didn't want to fight and if he really could have kicked my ass, he would have already. It made his son look even weaker. Later on he sent another one of his sons to destroy my friend's garden with a baseball bat and kept taunting us to come out of his house.

Either way, I feel really bad about bullying that kid whenever it pops up in my mind but at the same time I was only 10 years old and the way his dad handled that was completely inappropriate and probably illegal.


reaverdude t1_j9nj9rn wrote

The majority of agencies already hire candidates with a college degree over candidates who don’t. Having a high school diploma is a minimum requirement.

You’re casting a way wider net regarding the news, certain cases involving misconduct, and the justice system in general.

The point I was trying to make is that most cops go through their days doing their jobs. In fact, most cops never fire their service weapon a single time in their careers while on duty. The news never reports on them because it doesn’t get ratings.

It’s the same reason news only reports murders, accidents, and other bad news 24/7. They don’t report on babies being born, rainbows and puppies.


reaverdude t1_j9nd8wb wrote

I completely agree, but then if this was implemented, people would longer be able to make themselves feel better by saying “haha police departments only hire dumb people”.

The news mainly only reports on these bad apples because it gets ratings. You never see news about the thousands of cops who spent their day just doing their jobs. It’s too boring.

One big problem that will also happen and that you’re overlooking is that there would be almost no recruits. Most people who have the means to complete a four year degree don’t want or need to go into law enforcement.


reaverdude t1_j9n8510 wrote

Oh hey, it's also the same article someone posts to farm karma every time this topic comes up. Of course, nobody ever actually reads it including yourself because if you did, you would have seen that it's not a widespread practice.

The case in question was at one small agency, in a small town, with one candidate, over twenty years ago and the candidate was 49 years old at the time he took the entrance exam.

Most cops retire at 50. The agency didn't want to spend thousands of dollars training someone only to have him quit or retire a year later.

But hey, just keep believing the false narrative that people push that police agencies only hire "high school dropouts or roided up jocks". Every agency requires a high school diploma as a minimum and the drug and background check before being hired is more strenuous than many other jobs.

Not a cop supporter by the way, reform is needed in many departments in the country, but really tired of people spreading misinformation. The average redditor would not pass the hiring process for their local police department whether it be for doing drugs, not passing the entrance exams, not meeting physical requirements, bad credit or having a criminal history or just plain not having enough life experience.


reaverdude t1_j6pfkqz wrote

People on reddit are idiots. The first to actually go at pretty much every tech company are recruiters. This makes sense because why have recruiters on the payroll when you aren't even hiring.

Second to go are low performers, people that aren't well liked for whatever reason and usually sales/events types of employees. A lot of the tech companies with previously progressive cultures then get rid of all the non-sense positions that were created when times were good like "Vibe Manager" and "Head of People". Then everywhere else like you mentioned in other departments like IT, Legal, Finance, HR etc.

Software and hardware engineers are actually the last on the chopping block because they are the ones who actually make the products that generate revenue and they are easily head hunted to other companies so retaining them is of upmost importance to many companies.