redbucket75 t1_izcovlg wrote
I love Sherpa Adventure Pants
redbucket75 t1_iyjspdm wrote
Assuming some level of human control over an AI run world, maybe. I guess humans might choose to keep these folks on ice cuz why not, and in 1000 years someone might want to thaw one out to learn about history from them.
If AI makes the decisions, naw no reason to try.
redbucket75 t1_iy3g8tr wrote
Reply to Human brain, gut and immune system were fine-tuned after split from common ancestor of chimpanzees by giuliomagnifico
It sucks that chimps are endangered. It means a 500 year selective breeding program where those that appear most intelligent are kept together while the rest are released would not be viable. I do wonder what could be produced in such a program.
redbucket75 t1_iy0hznt wrote
If you're looking for BIFL, head to a commercial furniture store (where they sell the couches in bank lobbies and the such).
redbucket75 t1_ixe9wci wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU by forgetting that OneDrive exists by [deleted]
Oh I guess you didn't read my comment. I think a no porn relationship rule sounds very 1995. That's the only opinion I've voiced in this thread. Have a nice day, crazy person.
redbucket75 t1_ixe2pb2 wrote
Reply to comment by jungerfrosch in TIFU by forgetting that OneDrive exists by [deleted]
LOL @ someone upset others make judgements about people... Immediately judges an entire group of millions of people.
redbucket75 t1_ixdp4og wrote
Reply to comment by jungerfrosch in TIFU by forgetting that OneDrive exists by [deleted]
A normal human being who makes routine judgements about the situations I become aware of
redbucket75 t1_ixd31m6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU by forgetting that OneDrive exists by [deleted]
Odd specificity there...
redbucket75 t1_ixcujl0 wrote
Reply to TIFU by forgetting that OneDrive exists by [deleted]
A relationship rule about not watching porn feels very 1995
redbucket75 t1_ix2ev3d wrote
Reply to comment by rhymes_with_snoop in TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin
You'd have to ask someone who does it. Maybe avoid startling the easily startled?
redbucket75 t1_ix201a4 wrote
Reply to comment by Sw1fto in TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin
It was a bedroom, not a bathroom. And a quick knock before opening isn't abnormal, though I agree it's dumb if you don't wait a few seconds
redbucket75 t1_ix1uby8 wrote
Reply to comment by Sw1fto in TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin
It's literally not her house, there's no expectation of privacy during a family gathering at a place you don't live
redbucket75 t1_ix00ng3 wrote
Reply to TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin
You really just fucked up by not locking the door
redbucket75 t1_iw5wjuv wrote
Reply to Do you guys have any recommendations for convertible pants and active wear that will last a long time? by a_newer_throwaway
I don't know what convertible pants are, but my favorite pants are Sherpa Adventure Pants. Found a couple at a thrift store a couple years ago. Look good-enough for a casual office with a dress shirt, comfy as hell, so many pockets.
Edit: I guess that's just the brand, the style I have is Guide Pants
redbucket75 t1_iw2hsel wrote
Reply to Research shows that people in good physical shape are less likely to need a sleeping pill prescription. The beneficial effect of exercise is stronger for men, who have a 15% lower risk of needing drugs for troublesome sleep issues but also women can benefit from it by giuliomagnifico
I went from fat and drunk all the time to reasonably fit and exercising 45-120 minutes/day over several years.
Of course I sleep better now. It was probably giving up alcohol that improved my sleep the most, but the unexpected result is my actual sleeping schedule changed. Before it was impossible to get to sleep before 10:30 and could sleep in as late as I had time for. Now I'm ready for sleep by 9:30 and it's not possible to sleep in past 6:15. I'm an actual "morning person" now which is super weird.
redbucket75 t1_iuaqqjl wrote
It's fine, people in relationships can still find celebrities attractive and even tell each other.
redbucket75 t1_isp4c35 wrote
Reply to Hand Sanitizer Shelf Life by Final_Assistant_9629
They should be fine. The date is either random or when they no longer have confidence in the bottle to be air tight. As long as the bottle looks fine and there's no significant evaporation noticeable it's fine.
redbucket75 t1_j22gpls wrote
Reply to Tifu by showing interest in a guy. by InfluenceImmediate57
Well you're either deleting his number, blocking him, and never seeing him again - or you're not. There's no other way to "ghost".
If you're not comfortable with that, tell him you've appreciated his friendship but aren't interested in a romantic relationship - so if he's cool with that you'd like to hang out as friends, but if he's not cool with that it's ok and you can both move on?