redditaccount71987 t1_ivt6pxu wrote
Reply to A number of studies have already shown that synthetic chemicals can harm the bees that are vital to the pollination of plants. New research now additionally indicates that fertilizers may disrupt bees' ability to identify flowers, reducing the likelihood of the insects landing on them. by MistWeaver80
Pesticides and certain things are banned for flowers and flowering trees and flowers already. Not sure what the end of their research was but they thought for a while it was contributing to CCD and compromising their immune systems.
redditaccount71987 t1_iukb7dw wrote
Reply to comment by Khanzhei in How do you deal with depressed people? by Khanzhei
Tell him to get help. You also need to know when you can't help as a friend.
redditaccount71987 t1_iukajlk wrote
Reply to comment by Khanzhei in How do you deal with depressed people? by Khanzhei
I've noticed that people who are sad are in pain and need help. It never hurts to try help people. Positivity in all cases instead of actually approaching with reality and a realistic perspective likely leads to many unnecessary deaths in the USA. One of the things I've gathered from knowing sad people is they have more world and life perspective than was expressed in your comment.
redditaccount71987 t1_iuk9u23 wrote
Reply to How do you deal with depressed people? by Khanzhei
I usually recommend they get psych help. Last one I spoke with via voice then had a blackmail attempt.
redditaccount71987 t1_iuk9o8g wrote
Reply to What is everybody’s favourite food/meal? by Lucie1237
Veggie stew, salad with avocado, nori seaweed and lettuce soup, fruit and veggie smoothies, veggie sandwiches. Just eating crap right now while waiting for care.
redditaccount71987 t1_iuac0r1 wrote
Reply to comment by MomentOfHesitation in Potatoes USA Encourages Potatoes Instead Of Halloween Candy by heyyy_oooo
Yep. The main concern with potatoes is their high glycemic index and rapid blood sugar rise which is similar to that seen after eating white sugar. If eaten properly they are a great dietary addition. Diabetics and those with other restricted diets have more specially tailored instructions but for those without issues the rule of thumb is just to not to overdo it.
redditaccount71987 t1_iu5j5ug wrote
Reply to comment by SovArya in Exercise linked with increased longevity. Compared with just two minutes of vigorous activity per week, 15 minutes was associated with an 18% lower risk of death and a 15% lower likelihood of cardiovascular disease, while 12 minutes was associated with a 17% reduced risk of cancer by Wagamaga
This is something that is emphasized in sports training. A lot of people build up with HIIT or high intensity interval training. You do brief bouts of exercise getting your heart rate up with that training regimen. Also any exercise even walking is super good for you. A lot of people can't do much at the beginning so they tell to try to build up a little at a time. If you can't handle land exercises pool is also a great way to try multiple types including HIIT, low intensity cardio, and higher intensity. It easier on your joints.
redditaccount71987 t1_iu05wrg wrote
Reply to comment by Kr3dibl3 in Researchers have discovered that ambient light is an important factor determining eye colour across primate species, suggested that this pattern may also explain differences in eye colour in human populations by giuliomagnifico
The article was not fully comprehensive. It may be a segway Into future research. If this line of research continues they will likely look more closely at the different colors and their response to different environmental conditions. While there are people with all different colors of eyes all over the planet and population groups with light eyes at different latitudes and vice versa their are higher numbers with specific colors in certain regions. Eye color is typically not exclusive to one area but may be more common. For example you find blue, green, honey colored....etc eyes in Africa and brown eyes in Europe.
redditaccount71987 t1_iu056e9 wrote
Reply to Researchers have discovered that ambient light is an important factor determining eye colour across primate species, suggested that this pattern may also explain differences in eye colour in human populations by giuliomagnifico
I used to wonder about this but not in the same sense. I always wondered if people with different colored eyes saw the world slightly differently because of the way the eye takes in light. It seems like the different color iris would have potentially had some evolutionary reason beyond "beauty selection" we already know that people with lighter colored eyes are more prone to have issues in high or strong sunlight.
redditaccount71987 t1_itv3zuo wrote
Reply to comment by turtlenips69 in Vitamin D deficiency linked to premature death. Over a 14-year follow up period, researchers found that the risk for death significantly decreased with increased vitamin D concentrations, with the strongest effects seen among those with severe deficiencies. by Wagamaga
Your doctor will check it if you think you are having problems or have things that may lead to it. I think mine was like 13 upon testing megadoses it to 18. Got another megadose but was unable to take it due to current situation.
redditaccount71987 t1_itv3rto wrote
Reply to comment by jah05r in Vitamin D deficiency linked to premature death. Over a 14-year follow up period, researchers found that the risk for death significantly decreased with increased vitamin D concentrations, with the strongest effects seen among those with severe deficiencies. by Wagamaga
So there are a number of things in addition to lack of sunlight which contribute to low vit D. Folk with darker skin color tend to have lower amounts additionally this deficiency is noted in certain medical conditions. If lifestyle can not resolve the deficiency supplementation is often advised.
redditaccount71987 t1_itm1ac1 wrote
Reply to For children who had a major stroke to the left hemisphere of their brain within days of their birth, the infant's brain was 'plastic' enough for the right hemisphere to acquire the language abilities ordinarily handled by the left side while also maintaining its own language abilities as well. by Wagamaga
I have hemiplegia. Diagnosed as a child. Immediately had someone try to reverse a medically file as a psych doctor not understanding a single thing about how the brain and spine work. I also had someone hop on when the primary concern later was indicative of brain or upper spine insist on rudimentary imaging of the lower back having asked a specific question about minor back ache knowing that right sided weakness was still present.
redditaccount71987 t1_ithamb0 wrote
Good luck. If you lose total vision just remember it. I've had visual snow my entire life. Had a period where it became very difficult to see the stars. May have been untreated brain or neurological insult as they mishandled things like my ammonia test then cancelled misc followups and refused to send me to any type of rehabilitation program for things like memory and brain functioning.
redditaccount71987 t1_ith4emj wrote
Reply to This is a composite I made using different technics on different nights [OC] by Astronophilos
Love it. If you are not opposed, you can also take it into Photoshop and can adjust your levels to maintain a good light and dark balance.
redditaccount71987 t1_iwgqfyo wrote
Reply to Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of November, 2022 by AutoModerator
Anyone know of any standard x ray locations with the wall mounted light screen for display?