redditornot6648 t1_iwm2d6i wrote
Reply to comment by KyleRichXV in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
You call it bigotry, I call it caring about Americans.
If me caring about Americans and fixing America's problems more than foreigners makes me disgusting then so be it.
redditornot6648 t1_iwm07l6 wrote
Reply to comment by Rheum42 in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
No, what's aggravating is that this city has a major homeless problem and tons of people very much struggling in housing that is not up to the standard it should be and we are giving immigrants government subsidized rentals that are significantly better than the average living conditions of poor people in this city.
Our own city is broken we don't need to bring the broken and useless people from other countries here.
redditornot6648 t1_iwlqg84 wrote
Reply to comment by Elegant_Campaign_896 in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
yeah the useful ones like doctors. not these useless Syrian refugees stealing places to live
redditornot6648 t1_iwkd7fw wrote
Aren't we letting enough foreigners in PA? Erie is flooded with them. We got so many Middle Eastern refugees. It's nuts when you go to places like Walmart when half the store doesn't speak English when before Obama this was never an issue. I mean there's no jobs in this town and we keep letting these immigrants in.
redditornot6648 t1_iw5njzi wrote
Reply to comment by Riding_Dirty_ in police lights blue and white only no more red? anyone know why or what the meaning is? by [deleted]
It’s literally impossible and you are clearly blind or insane
redditornot6648 t1_iw5l93n wrote
Reply to police lights blue and white only no more red? anyone know why or what the meaning is? by [deleted]
This is fake news.
redditornot6648 t1_iw3gar1 wrote
Reply to comment by MyFartsSparkle in What is the State/County law for political signs and their removal? by Hi_There_Face_Here
I mean he's the leader of the Republican party and I'd happily vote him for Senate or governor of PA over anyone who ran in those races.
redditornot6648 t1_ivmzl44 wrote
Reply to comment by Baguette_Theory in Polls Have Closed, Now The Real Work Begins! Prayer Warriors Needed! by TyeDyeAmish
It's gonna go:
mail ins for Dems
In person for Republicans
Provisionals/suspect late mail ins that are hotly debated for Dems.
redditornot6648 t1_ivmylch wrote
Reply to comment by cobase2955jhk871 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Dude forging signatures is easy.
And go vote with a fever who cares? that's what the face mask is for
redditornot6648 t1_ivm4m96 wrote
Reply to comment by heaftyfella96 in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Not that anyone enforces it
redditornot6648 t1_ivm3fcu wrote
Reply to comment by ryeley323 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Yes, they shouldn't exist. Vote in person.
Absentee voting of course is different.
NOBODY should be allowed to mail in their vote unless they will be out of state on election day.
redditornot6648 t1_ivdus42 wrote
Oh great another politician bringing god into elections. Just what I was looking for!
Seriously tired of that on both parties.
Anyways, yeah he’s gonna win easily because even Republicans don’t like Mastriano.
redditornot6648 OP t1_iuxz114 wrote
Reply to Got this Democrat ad in the mail today, yep this is meant to be a Democrat ad. by redditornot6648
I'm not sure what the Center For Voter Information (a Democrat affiliated organization) is thinking with this ad. It's a plain white piece of paper simplyifying complex issues to "yes" and "no" then following that up with "answers are more complicated than yes or no".
I legit thought this was a shadow Oz ad for a minute. This is the worst political ad I've ever seen in my life. Not to mention I'm a Registered Republican and you send me this? How exactly do you think slandering a candidate with no explanation is gonna help you not only get my vote but flip my vote?
redditornot6648 t1_iwm2pvb wrote
Reply to comment by KyleRichXV in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
Yes they are. We have serious problems that need fixed. We can't be the saviors of the world.