
reddittheguy t1_j25svkz wrote

Reply to Tree Stand by RidingBeen

You bet your ass you can.


Source: Have taken down permissionless tree stands from family private property more than once.


reddittheguy OP t1_iz0t1n4 wrote

This thread is cancer, and I'm disappointed at the reading comprehension skills of some of you.

If you guys can't figure out I'm subtly pointing out an absurd situation, then I don't know what to say. The reflexive pearl clutching is... disappointing.


reddittheguy OP t1_iz09m4t wrote

Surely you see the irony of the town with the title "safest small town in NH" having been the location of a murder within the same year and the comedic timing of one of the very people who committed a high profile crime a few years prior griping publicly about how the town is not as safe as it appears?


reddittheguy t1_ixzy1s6 wrote

Reply to comment by Grand_Response6068 in NOAA be like by TheDeadPlant

I wonder if/how much availability is also driving demand. Like, you drive by certain places in Maine and there are lobster shacks all over the place, if lobstering fails and those places shutter up, how much of that demand was being inflated by availability?

Is your average American really going to miss it like most people might miss beef or chicken? Or is it just something propped up by availability in touristy areas?


reddittheguy t1_ixshyxf wrote

Reply to Axe makers? by ultrabolic

Wait for flea market season and get one there. You won't have a lot of trouble finding plenty of perfectly good maul bits that might need a little grinding and they're as good as new. Check out the videos on youtube on how to properly hang/grind one.

If you go the flea market route you'll save a good bit of money. I always suggest people who are splitting their own wood have two mauls. One lighter one you'll use 95% of the time and a big 8 pound smasher for the tough pieces.

Good luck.


reddittheguy t1_iw0y8su wrote

This is the correct answer.

If you live in the upper peninsula of Michigan I can see why you might not feel that way,

But year round standard time in NH means 4:15pm sunsets in the winter and 3:58am sunrises in the summer. That straight up isn't an efficient use of daylight for the vast majority of people.