redmambo_no6 t1_j9o8qw1 wrote
Reply to LPT: Odds are you won't be the first person in your circle of friends to lose a parent to old age, but when you hear of the first one to go, heed the warning and make sure you're maximizing the time with those you love, because it's likely the bulk of the time you'll have with them is behind you. by JD2005
For real. My mom (63) passed away a year ago this coming Monday (cervical cancer) and I didn’t tell her I loved her enough…among other things.
Now I tell my dad (64 in august) I love him before he goes anywhere and every night before I go to bed.
redmambo_no6 t1_j6mnsur wrote
Reply to comment by speedy45 in Imagine the aftermath. by phillydog1
You still can (at Walmart anyway).
redmambo_no6 t1_j6dvhqn wrote
Reply to comment by sagitta_luminus in Caught him mid-sneeze (OC) by samspastic
“No man, I’m Dave!”
redmambo_no6 t1_j638sfh wrote
Reply to It’s a niche instrument by getyerhandoffit
Gives “blow it out your ass” a new meaning.
redmambo_no6 t1_j4ppqiy wrote
Reply to comment by -Dustin-Echoes- in What are the chances of iPhone mini returning in 2024 or 2025? by [deleted]
Unless Apple can stick a larger battery in there, it won’t happen.
redmambo_no6 t1_j2bse71 wrote
Reply to comment by Catspaw129 in LPT: A 'peace' of clear tape over the speaker in electronic childrens' toys makes them much less grating when adjacent to long play sessions. by thiosk
>Peace be unto with you.
Having a Catholic mom meant that I ended up hating Sundays lol.
redmambo_no6 t1_j1pl1ch wrote
Reply to [OC] Frogs by XavCrafty
Bud. Weis. Er.
redmambo_no6 t1_iyf8lcm wrote
Is your brother twins with David Beckham?
redmambo_no6 t1_iyd8o2k wrote
Reply to can the side of the iPhone 13 be swapped? I know it’s a small scratch but it still triggers me. by LittleBuritoHaru
That’s not a scratch, fam. That’s a dent.
redmambo_no6 t1_iycwgzy wrote
Whatever you do, don’t burn it.
redmambo_no6 t1_iybaa61 wrote
Reply to comment by EvenHair4706 in Newly found transcripts from Hegel by EvenHair4706
redmambo_no6 t1_iyba3to wrote
Reply to comment by Arrathir in Newly found transcripts from Hegel by EvenHair4706
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
Who was just as sloshed as Schlegel
I’m pretty sure there’s a version that replaces “Wilhelm Friedrich” with “Schopenhauer and”
redmambo_no6 t1_iyab3lu wrote
Reply to iPhone 15 redesign by Urmumdiedinacarcrash
If it were true, the screen would be flat but the back would be curved. For all intents and purposes, it’d be a metal iPhone 5C.
redmambo_no6 t1_iy55loh wrote
Reply to comment by whats_that_sid in LPT: If you're teaching someone/learning to drive make sure to practice on the freeway and at night, even if it's scary by Jessieface13
Since I’m curious now, what’s it like hitting a kangaroo at speed? Enough to warrant a new car?
redmambo_no6 t1_ixt289j wrote
Reply to Android user here :) . Want to try ios. by NoxyArg
Problem with Android is that the OS has to work with every manufacturer’s phone, hence the differences in optimization and performance quality.
Apple doesn’t have that problem because iOS only has to work with one phone.
redmambo_no6 t1_ixt1dfr wrote
Reply to Just decorated for the holidays (OC) by isles0908
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Your ornaments are history
redmambo_no6 t1_ixexd2c wrote
Reply to Which phone lasted you the longest? by Officialnoah
XR, 3.5 years give or take.
redmambo_no6 t1_jac57rn wrote
Reply to comment by AbleApartment6152 in Kremlin: Russia open to Ukraine talks, but won't give up annexed regions by jacobhong
>How many Russians have to die with them is up to the Russians.
If history is any indication, the answer is “a lot.”