reverendsteveii t1_iyefz59 wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in House Democrat sues Pennsylvania county for not certifying election by PM_ME_DIRTY_DANGLES
Downdooted because the answer to your question immediately follows the part of the law you quote and this feels like shit stirring to me.
reverendsteveii t1_iy8zz6j wrote
Reply to comment by queensekhmet in Can I get a PA state ID and have a DL from another state? by [deleted]
Slightly off topic but can I ask what company you used? Also, did you have any previous diagnoses for anxiety or insomnia?
reverendsteveii t1_iy8804m wrote
Reply to comment by spencehammer in Af, Angel of Anger by toedsangoma
Well now I have to buy an album. I adore his art style
reverendsteveii t1_iy6ijif wrote
This is simply a tantrum
reverendsteveii t1_iuxbggc wrote
Reply to comment by ChipKellysShoeStore in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
I think that if me serving jury duty without losing my home is prohibitively expensive then the onus is on the people who are using the threat of violence to force me not to work to figure out how to fix that. The jury, by definition, didn't do anything wrong and they get punished no matter what the outcome of the trial is.
reverendsteveii t1_iut9de7 wrote
Reply to comment by PopeMaIone in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
>I think we should all be compensated for our time spent performing jury duty
>You need to be brought back to reality and humbled and I, some jerkoff from the internet, am just the guy to do it
Jesus Christ dude get a hobby or start a drug habit or something
reverendsteveii t1_iusynyj wrote
Reply to comment by PopeMaIone in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
Why are you so eager to brag about what the government is capable of?
reverendsteveii t1_iusjcsa wrote
Reply to comment by FiendishHawk in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
No, actual wage is the only acceptable solution. I built my life assuming I'd be able to pay for it with the money I make at my job. My life will fall apart if you force me not to work my job. Therefore, the only way to make me whole if you use the threat of violence to stop me collecting a paycheck is to fully replace that paycheck.
reverendsteveii t1_iusizda wrote
Reply to $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
Looks like it's time to teach everyone the Litany Against Jury Duty:
"Due to the unreliability of witnesses and the moral abhorrence of sending an innocent person to prison, if selected I will exercise my right to jury nullification and vote to acquit without regard to either the law or the facts of the case."
I'm not against participating in a free and fair society but they've ignored what we need to do so for so long that if I caught two weeks of jury duty I'd literally lose my house. To me that means it's time to subvert the system.
reverendsteveii t1_isum27f wrote
Reply to comment by BluCurry8 in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
When every other software engineer you ever meet shares this opinion with me, you're gonna wanna revisit this comment
reverendsteveii t1_isubtaq wrote
Reply to comment by BluCurry8 in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
Ah, so you've no expertise at all and you're guessing based on how you think the world works. Okay, have a great day!
reverendsteveii t1_isu44vv wrote
Reply to comment by nesquiksand2 in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
I've been lurking in the Mastriano Memes Facebook group for weeks now just so I can be there when the narrative goes from "we're definitely gonna win" to "there was definitely widespread but unprovable voter fraud", and also to take screenshots for the FBI when that widespread but unprovable voter fraud leads to Republican terrorism.
reverendsteveii t1_isu3sc0 wrote
Reply to comment by BluCurry8 in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
>Everything online is trackable
Explain how, and why online fraud is still in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year if the solution is simply "track it, everything online is trackable"
reverendsteveii t1_isu3lky wrote
Reply to comment by thunderGunXprezz in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
Software engineer checking in here: no. God no. Take that idea a hundred miles out into the desert, bury it ten feet deep in the ground, then launch an orbital nuclear bombardment at it.
Edit: if you're about to tell me that I'm wrong and this is easy, I recommend you consult the opinion of every other actual developer in this thread. You'd be hard pressed to find an engineer who would trust their elections to modern software capabilities and practices, and the reason is because it will be vulnerable. Not maybe, not eventually, but to a determined and well-funded actor it will be critically vulnerable from day one and it will remain critically vulnerable for the entire lifetime of the system.
reverendsteveii t1_ir29rdm wrote
Reply to comment by BountifulScott in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
If Trump had said "Wear a mask and stay home if you feel sick" in January of 2020 he'd still be the president, happily selling state secrets to all and sundry. It was his inability to strategize in a non-comic-book-villain way that made him and $50/gram Kush decide that the best way forward was to encourage the plague and hope it killed more Democrats than Republicans.
reverendsteveii t1_ir2960g wrote
Reply to comment by Illustrious_Air_1438 in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
Why wouldn't they. Everything we're proud of as Americans goes directly against conservative principles. Separation of church and state, allowing people to live their own lives and make their own decisions free from state interference, giving people a say in their own governance, caring for one another, ensuring as best we can that everyone has a bed and no one goes to that bed hungry, giving people who've made mistakes a way in from the cold in order to fully participate in society, all of it is fundamentally counter to what conservatives want, and they're simply wrong.
reverendsteveii t1_ir21kz3 wrote
Reply to comment by Odd-Seaworthiness330 in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
Two years ago was time to present evidence or shut up. They were told this by judges in about 70 different court cases, and they chose to shut up (in court, where lying has consequences) every time.
reverendsteveii t1_iqvxjjl wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in Pennsylvania counties can help voters fix problems with their mail ballots, state court rules by gdex86
I think you understand exactly why Republicans are looking for reasons to reject individual ballots. It's part of a larger effort by them to find a way to reject the concept of voting overall.
reverendsteveii t1_iqvxfco wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania counties can help voters fix problems with their mail ballots, state court rules by gdex86
Republicans are simply against voting. Whether they're running ad campaigns whose sole purpose is getting voters to stay home, casting fake doubts about election integrity, trying to make it harder for individuals to vote, mass purging eligible voters from the rolls or endorsing a wacky theory that says that state legislatures can simply ignore the popular vote and pick the president with no recourse for the citizens whose voice was stolen, Republicans hate voting because what they want to do is really unpopular and if people vote, Republicans lose.
reverendsteveii t1_iqnzcnl wrote
Reply to comment by Illustrious_Air_1438 in Pa. Supreme Court Chief Justice Max Baer dies at 74 by finderdj
Oh, dope. Well, in that case
VOTE! (twice, once now to secure the interim justice and then later for a permanent justice who isn't a conservative terrorist)
reverendsteveii t1_iqnm244 wrote
Reply to comment by Mango027 in Pa. Supreme Court Chief Justice Max Baer dies at 74 by finderdj
>Gov. Tom Wolf will now be tasked with appointing a new justice to fill the vacancy on the court, following an application process and approval by the state Senate. However, the state Senate has seven remaining session days scheduled for the remainder of 2022 – and only one in November – meaning it’s likely that the next governor of Pennsylvania will choose who fills the vacancy.
reverendsteveii t1_iqnjlii wrote
VOTE! We know that Republicans will abuse the courts to subvert the will of the people and pass their extremist bullshit. We need to stop them from putting yet another traitor on the bench.
reverendsteveii t1_iymiwau wrote
Reply to Pat Toomey was one of the 43 Senators who killed sick leave for rail workers by GraffitiTavern
Fun fact: the vote was 52-43 in favor of giving the workers sick leave. When the vote is on whether to give the masters another unfunded tax break 51-49 is enough to pass it, but when a vote to do something for workers comes up and it's 52-43 the 43 wins. The game is rigged.