riefpirate t1_j5t9rcd wrote
Reply to Playing Military Sim War Thunder May Get You Classed as a National Security Risk by Sorin61
It's free on Steam !! Great game !!
riefpirate t1_j4no77y wrote
Reply to Edaville Railroad wants to nix Thomas Land, focus on Christmas season and housing units | Operators of the railroad-themed amusement park, located in Carver, want to build 336 housing units on unused portions of the property and only open during the Christmas season by rabblebowser
It's a free country nobody's memories can shackle someone to a losing venture.
riefpirate t1_j2zv6zy wrote
Reply to Here Are Some Alternative Protein & Future Food Innovations Heading to CES 2023 by Realistic-Plant3957
I think the future of proteins will be insect dusting of some vegetables not in these " fake meat " products. As well as vegetables heavy in protein content.
riefpirate t1_j2sjq3t wrote
Reply to Healey should give rural Massachusetts a seat at the table - The Boston Globe by GlobeOpinion
Being from Berkshire County I disagree with the globe, we have our representation and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
riefpirate t1_j236bvb wrote
Bring back Childworld !!!
riefpirate t1_j2369h9 wrote
Reply to comment by HOARDING_STACKING in Remember Ames? The department store is returning to New England by nebirah
Yea there's not enough minimum wage jobs let's make more !!
riefpirate t1_j1nm7pm wrote
Reply to comment by 99BottlesOfBass in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
What ever number he made up.
riefpirate t1_j1nfjrv wrote
Reply to comment by johnny_cash_money in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
He put his phone number for everyone everywhere ro call him, what a dope.
riefpirate t1_j1n1xf6 wrote
Reply to comment by crackedcosmonaut in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
3 of them were breakfast lunch and dinner, the fourth was in attendance.
riefpirate t1_j1n1qse wrote
Reply to Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
I think I'm going to give him a call at 3:00 am and tell him he's hired as a male escort.
riefpirate t1_j1iomin wrote
The Patriot in south Boston ?
riefpirate t1_izuaicb wrote
Reply to comment by PakkyT in Correct me if I am wrong by OscarOrr
But the pressure the bag puts on the tree is very beneficial for stronger roots and preventing storm damage
riefpirate t1_izua7k5 wrote
Reply to Correct me if I am wrong by OscarOrr
Those stakes are gonna root any day now !!
riefpirate t1_izepurb wrote
Reply to Which is better day trip for this time of year - Cape Cod or mountain climb in the Whites? by kohlrabi_codex
The Berkshires are way better in every category but 1 and that's views,
riefpirate t1_izari8t wrote
Reply to Salem company funneled more than $3 million in Massachusetts taxpayer funds to owners: Maura Healey by ak47workaccnt
I think Massachusetts made a wise decision !!
riefpirate t1_iy9zbrn wrote
Providencetown. 360°
riefpirate t1_iy069is wrote
Reply to January visit by SanguinePenguinPete
Take them to the observation center in the prudential building
riefpirate t1_ixvgal8 wrote
Reply to comment by CTHistory42 in This satellite photo shows development in the Northeast. The one dark spot in CT-MA is a National Heritage Corridor (The Last Green Valley). Pristine woodlands, clear clean rivers. Half the size of the Grand Canyon; 85% undeveloped. Learn more on Amazing Tales CT: https://AmazingTalesCT.Podbean.com by CTHistory42
Will do !!
riefpirate t1_ixuohqg wrote
Reply to This satellite photo shows development in the Northeast. The one dark spot in CT-MA is a National Heritage Corridor (The Last Green Valley). Pristine woodlands, clear clean rivers. Half the size of the Grand Canyon; 85% undeveloped. Learn more on Amazing Tales CT: https://AmazingTalesCT.Podbean.com by CTHistory42
Maine has a lot of pristine areas .
riefpirate t1_ixpo171 wrote
Have you ever seen rhe movie Cacoon ?
riefpirate t1_iw0fcg5 wrote
Reply to comment by blzac33 in Own up people. Who is buying these things? by marrymejojo
You are a prince among men ❤️
riefpirate t1_iw09a3t wrote
I would if they had Jim Beam.
riefpirate t1_ivybu1j wrote
So many bicycles so little time !! Nice work.
riefpirate t1_ivr1ife wrote
I don't do signs I don't need the world knowing what I think , just the people here. If you could do it I'd support banning yard signs 100%
riefpirate t1_j6dj6zm wrote
Reply to In the event of a fatal manned mission (example Artemis 2), would exploration stop in this period? by damarisu
I don't think anything would stop the space program now and I hope nothing ever will.