riegspsych325 t1_j215pj4 wrote
- The Goonies - it has some back and forth audio clarity issues and even a few frame rate skips. It’s like it was edited in a rush, but Sean Astin lovingly refers to it as “a big home video”
- Blade Runner - I always felt it was wrong to have Deckard to pretty much force himself on Rachel. Especially with the whole ambiguity around his character
- Real Genius - still a wonderful 80’s comedy that has aged mostly well save for the random “brain chaser” lady. She had 3 very brief scenes for what felt like was supposed to be a bigger (and still weird) subplot
- Batman Begins - just a little too much frenetic editing during some of the action scenes (Batman vs ninjas in Gotham, batmobile chase)
- any use of the Wilhelm Scream in the LOTR movies
I fucking love these movies with all my heart, but I know better than to pretend flaws don’t exist
riegspsych325 t1_j1tdcp5 wrote
Reply to What is the worse character(in this case that is someone who was just there to be seen as a horrible person to make the heroes look better or a secondary villain) you seen in movies by [deleted]
William Atherton was the king of 80’s movie asshole. From the recklessly spitefull by-the-book Walter peck, to the pompous professor Jerry Hathaway, and finally the arrogantly nosy Richard Thornburg. He fucking nailed it all.
I can’t think of many wonderful movie assholes in comedy as great as those Atherton 3 characters. Maybe Shooter McGavin and all the Tannen variants(?)
riegspsych325 t1_j1sywv2 wrote
Reply to comment by hexadumo in Childhood movies that gave you that movie magic feeling by accio_calculator
that one blew the movie lid off for me when I was around 6. It had it all, action scenes, depressing scenes, scary scenes, catharsis, adventure, etc. Shame the sequels never captured the magic, or the quality, of the original.
riegspsych325 t1_j1a7k50 wrote
Reply to comment by fadetoblack237 in Is this just AskReddit now? by ex1stence
and most of all big news is posted by a single user. Anytime anyone expresses skepticism in that user’s posts, mods delete the comments. And when said user is mentioned by name in a complaint, people get banned. A post on r/movies talked about the issue and the user got banned and a warning from reddit admins
Just go to any entertainment sub, sort by top weekly and you’ll see that user responsible for more than half
riegspsych325 t1_iymx8mh wrote
Reply to comment by Das_bomb in Toledo Zoo welcomes twin polar bear cubs by citytiger
“somebody had fun…”
riegspsych325 t1_iyf4rqw wrote
Reply to comment by JustAMan1234567 in What’s the movie where the guy’s toupee keeps getting bigger and longer in each scene he’s in?? by SlipperyPete360
took me a minute to figure this one out
riegspsych325 t1_iyehuiq wrote
Reply to comment by CyanideSmoker in Nothing is wrong with the Mario voice by GrimReaperAngelof23
I do get how Mario speaking the whole movie like Martinet would not work as well as it does in the games (since he rarely speaks anyway), but Pratt's just been on acting-cruise-control the past few years and SMBs doesn't seem to be an exception. Hell, if he wasn't already (and wonderfully) voicing Bowser, Jack Black would have been perfect as Mario
riegspsych325 t1_iydvtjg wrote
Reply to comment by TheRealClose in The Super Mario Bros Blue Ray should have an optional audio track where Charles Martines speaks Mario by joystick355
Pratt may be an uninspired casting choice (especially since he acts on cruise control these days), but having Martinet voice the character with anything other than reactionary/catchphrase stuff, it will just be comically bad. It'd be like that Seth McFarlane sketch
riegspsych325 t1_iy4igbx wrote
Reply to comment by klimero271 in Beside Die Hard, what are some "unofficial" or covert holiday movies? by hkkhpr
IM3 even has the Die Hard teddy bear in it, it’s when the Miguel Ferrer is revealed to be a traitor and he greets a kid who as the bear on her lap
riegspsych325 t1_iy2ji66 wrote
Reply to comment by Sparkski in What's the best feel-good climax to a movie? by acharismaticjeweller
I've always chuckled at how Marty's first concern for his future self is he's an asshole
riegspsych325 t1_iy2jccb wrote
Reply to comment by JarlaxleForPresident in What's the best feel-good climax to a movie? by acharismaticjeweller
I always took it as intentionally ambiguous, "will he make the same mistakes or know better this time?"
riegspsych325 t1_iy1yxdr wrote
Christine (2016) I knew of the real tragedy of Christine Chubbuck's final days, but the tension in that movie's final act was something else. Rebecca Hall gave such a powerful, haunting performance that was just gut-wrenching by the end. She deserves so much more praise
EDIT: grammar
riegspsych325 t1_iy0oh07 wrote
- Tommy Boy, when he gives that speech to all the Callahan workers and is then on the boat talking to us dad as if he were there
- Edge of Tomorrow, after all he’s been through, he can’t help but to just laugh about it
- Real Genius, they got back at their professor, had a bunch of popcorn, all to the tune of Tears For Fears
- The Martian, which just sort of abruptly ends in the book, but the movie gives the story such a wonderful epilogue
riegspsych325 t1_ixmaeyy wrote
Reply to What was a movie that took more than one viewing to love and understand it much more? by Provav
Big Lebowski. I either didn’t understand it or felt like I was left out of several inside jokes when I first watched it. It almost left a bad taste in my mouth until a few months later when I had an itch to watch it again. And when I did, everything just clicked
riegspsych325 t1_ixj038z wrote
Reply to comment by flights_not_feelings in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
I thought Trevorrow couldn’t possibly make a worse movie until Dominion came out. I mean, he wrote a character that self-procreated and then fucking birthed her own clone in a shitty dinosaur movie about locusts
riegspsych325 t1_ixe04dp wrote
Reply to Edge of Tomorrow / Live Die Repeat - Peyton Middle Name Scene Doesn't Make Sense - Thoughts? by LiberLilith
I just figured he was trying to figure out a way to get her to talk more and open up a bit. At some point (and after several loops), he must’ve figured out she was just making some things up to appease him. But he still digs around and gets an occasional nugget of truth and keeps trying to get more
riegspsych325 t1_ix4u2ej wrote
Reply to comment by billfitz24 in What is Dwayne Johnson’s best movie? by Melk-boy
he and Kevin Hart were hilarious in the sequels and they got to use their comedy chops to great effect. Hell, everyone did, including Gillan and especially Black
riegspsych325 t1_ix3qyhp wrote
Reply to comment by PetyrDayne in Hulu's Welcome to Chippendales Tells a Salacious, Humorous, & Outrageous True Crime Story by PetyrDayne
I know it seems so petty of me to complain, but it does cause some problems. I’ve seen users post trailers, articles, posters etc only for it to be taken down and reposted by that one guy. There are a few other people that have lots of karma and always post but they always engage with other users and partake in the discussion.
I’m not saying anyone that posts should comment, because what I really want to say is that the one guy is just astroturfing
riegspsych325 t1_iwuwayf wrote
Reply to comment by topps_chrome in Hulu's Welcome to Chippendales Tells a Salacious, Humorous, & Outrageous True Crime Story by PetyrDayne
pay attention to how most of these accounts posting are no more than 2 years old yet they rack up thousands of karma and comment so little. OP does not seem to be a bot or paid poster, but it is a huge problem in r/movies.
There’s one user who has a 2 year old account but has over 7 million karma. When suspicions arise, he’ll occasionally say “oh, I just really love movies”. But he’s the one posting 90% of everything on the entertainment subs and yet he never ever comments more than a synopsis or article quote. Never gives an opinion, replies to a comment, doesn’t partake in discussions, nothing. Only time he does reply to someone is to clarify or add more news. How is that guy not doing that as a fucking job?
EDIT: grammar
EDIT 2: I honestly wouldn’t mind so much but I’ve seen other users post articles and such that get taken down right away but only for that one guy to post it himself
riegspsych325 t1_iufjzsz wrote
Reply to comment by LikeCalvinForHobbes in Martin Scorsese's After Hours is so underappreciated, it feels like his take on a David Lynch/Kafka-esque nightmare by nevereatpears
in my head canon, everyone survives Miracle Mile and the 2 leads are happily married, just like Anthony Edwards and Mare Winningham. No, really
riegspsych325 t1_iuew5pl wrote
Reply to comment by godzilla55013 in I can vividly remember this movie scene but can’t place the title of it. Need some help or I’ll feel like I’m losing my mind by painter_rabbit
Garrett Hedlund was great in that, I hadn’t recognized him at all until I saw his name in the credits. He should play more villains
riegspsych325 t1_iuegohs wrote
Reply to comment by siamsaiocht in Things parody movies need to make fun of. by wisconsinking
and while it’s not political (nor a movie) 30 Rock always satirized the subject so well
riegspsych325 t1_iu936qm wrote
Reply to comment by Mrsparkles7100 in 'The Devil’s Hour' – Proof That Peter Capaldi Is One Of The World’s Most Terrifying Actors by Gato1980
I still giggle when he begs Cage to put the wooden chair down in the middle of trying to kill him
riegspsych325 t1_itrf7q4 wrote
Reply to comment by dedemovie in Just in time for Halloween, and 90's movie lovers, Devon Sawa recreates his Idle Hands role by dedemovie
how is the second season? I have yet to see it
riegspsych325 t1_j215tq3 wrote
Reply to comment by LazyLamont92 in What legitimate critique / nitpick do you have for a movie you love? by thatdani
I figured he did that as the thunder kept on rolling in