
riegspsych325 t1_j94dpm0 wrote

all my life, I’ve watched Seinfeld mostly in random order. I remember watching the finale with my family, I can tell by picture quality/set changes/etc if it’s an early or late season episode. But I have never seen any more than 3 successive episodes in order. Being able to drop in at nearly any point of the show is just part of the allure for me, if that makes sense


riegspsych325 t1_j6pig3f wrote

David Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and his World War Z 2. Sure the first WWZ movie was different from the book, but I still liked it. But Fincher making the sequel would have been quite interesting. IIRC, he was adamant about having a $190mil budget but the studio wouldn’t sign off on it. Sure, he’d probably do a lot of takes but I doubt he’d use a dollar more (nor need to reshoot the whole 3rd act)


riegspsych325 t1_j6pgdp9 wrote

well it certainly seemed that money was well spent. The Navi and Sullys looked amazingly realistic. They really handled the sense of scale and size differences in scenes with humans and avatars. Even the bits of Edie Falco walking around in a stilted(?) exo-suit with the recombinants and drinking coffee looked great


riegspsych325 t1_j66knz7 wrote

I’m probably gonna watch this tonight. But this reminds me of seeing Fury Road weekend opening When the lights came on, I heard some guy exclaim “I’d give that…4 thumbs down!”. He even kinda sounded like Comic Book Guy, but he was serious


riegspsych325 t1_j2fx33c wrote

even regardless of that, it felt like a mix of oil, water. Whedon may have gone off the rails with his own whedonisms (and his ego), but even he had his stuff re-edited by the studio and Geoff Johns.

Thank goodness somebody at WBD had the foresight to keep Gunn on payroll and promote him. Hell, that wouldn’t even have happened if Disney didn’t fire Gunn in the first place


riegspsych325 t1_j2fwi8m wrote

was Gareth Edwards(Evans?) fired? I swore he was involved in reshoots but shared it with Gilroy. I recall Gareth talking about the Vader sequence being part of reshoots and he even cameoed in it, too. He also invited Peter Jackson to the set that day but didn’t tell him what they were filming


riegspsych325 t1_j2fw660 wrote

I still have yet to see the other cut, almost did once. But before I clicked it on it with the remote, it played a little intro with Kevin Smith who pretty much said it as you described. So I just watched the theatrical. How bad is it by comparison?