ringobob t1_j4ndsru wrote
Reply to comment by NotStaggy in A restaurant worker was caught with his penis in the tomato slicer. by TenRingRedux
A few of us have heard this joke before, there's different variants but the punchline is usually a bit more clear that "thing you thought was a machine" is actually a woman.
ringobob t1_j3ug8t3 wrote
Reply to comment by ackermann in Why were granades unused during the 15th and 16th century? by Hunter7695
For a live action example, see Swiss Family Robinson.
ringobob t1_j29vs2e wrote
Reply to comment by casualdadeqms in Biotech chestnut tree poised to restore lost ecosystems and biodiversity — But it needs your help by Spiffydude98
Curious about the necessity of a contract, is it because the genetics are being closely controlled so you specifically want to avoid this getting out into the wild until you can ensure it won't become too good at out competing other native plant life?
ringobob t1_j29kl8l wrote
Reply to comment by tripperfunster in How much does the liquid magma of the Earth affect it's surface temperature? by tripperfunster
One tangent worth noting in this context - it doesn't really affect the surface temp generally, but there are places where the heat of the inner earth does escape to the surface, and in these places they typically use it to have geothermal energy. Iceland has lots of cheap energy for this reason.
ringobob t1_j1psq7q wrote
Reply to comment by kinkyonthe_loki69 in TIL that Flick from ‘A Christmas Story’ went into Porn in the 1990s by PlayingCarded
I mean, we've already got What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
ringobob t1_j0i6ih3 wrote
Reply to comment by IgneousMiraCole in Toughest material ever is an alloy of chromium, cobalt and nickel by tonymmorley
It's current events, my dude.
ringobob t1_j0bmlls wrote
Reply to comment by starkmatic in Fusion energy breakthrough and national security implications explained by TheScienceAdvocate
Because they've been trying to get that far for decades, and failed until now. It wasn't that long ago that people were saying we'd never figure it out.
Basically, this kind of energy, that powers our sun and all the stars, and does so in ways that are much cheaper and easier to keep safe than today's fission reactors, it was a question if we'd ever be able to harness and produce that energy ourselves here on earth. This pretty much proves we can, for the first time.
ringobob t1_j0bfo65 wrote
Reply to comment by starkmatic in Fusion energy breakthrough and national security implications explained by TheScienceAdvocate
In simple terms, metaphorically, they figured out how to light a piece of coal and have it produce energy. They haven't yet figured out how to build a furnace to do it at scale.
ringobob t1_iuao0xo wrote
Reply to comment by BewBewsBoutique in NYT columnist thanks Ye for raising awareness on antisemitism by boogerfact
"Now what? Now what?"
ringobob t1_iuafjji wrote
Reply to comment by Fourty9 in NYT columnist thanks Ye for raising awareness on antisemitism by boogerfact
He said antisemitic stuff, and he said he could say antisemitic stuff without Adidas dropping him.
ringobob t1_iu5pmmj wrote
Reply to comment by riphitter in why Elon musk is A true Edison of our time ? by zaham_ijjan
As others said, he came in and made a deal with the founders to also call himself a founder, and eventually the other founders left.
They were pretty early, it's not correct to say that Musk was the only driver of innovation in the early days, nor is it correct to say he had nothing to do with an otherwise fully functioning car manufacturer. It's not clear based on what I've read exactly whose idea it was to make their initial effort a performance car, but that decision was key to making electric cars something the public took an interest in, and Musk had a hand in some of the design choices supporting that decision according to other founders.
It's important to understand that Musk had a very real and present role in the early days of Tesla, so dismissing him as a co-founder simply because he came in when the number of employees was already greater than 0 isn't really right or fair, but neither is it right to say he did it all by himself and the other founders did nothing as is implied by many of his fanboys.
If nothing else, then the big takeaway is that you don't want Musk to hold financial control over your idea if you want to continue to be associated with it. Whatever he brings in terms of investment and decision making, his own credit will subsume yours.
ringobob t1_it8p7x3 wrote
Hmm, an Islay I'd imagine.
ringobob t1_isjmurd wrote
Reply to comment by apollyon0810 in TIL: Sperms were thought to move by wiggling their tails side-to-side, like eels, for 350 years. But research shows that they roll as they move forward like a spinning top. by vect77
We see a mostly 2D image that is difficult to discern side to side movement on a plane vs a more complicated movement in 3d space that, when seen from above, looks like side to side movement on a plane.
ringobob t1_isjm6ym wrote
Reply to comment by symbioticHug in TIL: Sperms were thought to move by wiggling their tails side-to-side, like eels, for 350 years. But research shows that they roll as they move forward like a spinning top. by vect77
Dubious isn't quite right, based on the text of the retraction, they found evidence, it just wasn't conclusive on its own.
ringobob t1_irvwul5 wrote
Reply to comment by coyote-1 in Judge encourages Tyrone sex offender to find wife and start a family by TheSenateRises
Plenty of people pull their shit together in their thirties, or even later.
That doesn't mean someone who has built their life on being a piece of shit is capable of that. But age is not the issue.
ringobob t1_irb3r9s wrote
Reply to comment by Clawz114 in The last few weeks have been truly jaw dropping. by Particular_Leader_16
I think it's the fact that Musk has been promising fully autonomous driving every year since 2016. Not like 3-5 years away, every year he says this is gonna be the year. I'm not knocking the stuff they've actually done, but Musk's mouth frequently writes checks his body can't cash.
When Musk makes a claim, pay attention to the time horizon. If it's something that can be fully delivered in under 6 months, then they can probably do it. If it's something where the end product will take longer than that, take his prognostications with a huge grain of salt.
ringobob t1_j4ne9gn wrote
Reply to comment by Kind_Bullfrog_4073 in A restaurant worker was caught with his penis in the tomato slicer. by TenRingRedux
The restaurant worker, and the person who sliced tomatoes, who is also presumably a restaurant worker.
The choice of jobs here leaves much to be desired. It's like having an AI who actually understands the setup and the punchline rewrite the joke, and it does it in the worst way possible.