ripecannon t1_jc7i2i7 wrote
Reply to comment by icedcornholio in Face the Music: Reminiscing with The Captain and Celeste, as WBLM turns 50 by rkleine3
With Mark Persky (dunno if I spelled the name right)
ripecannon t1_j9o0f73 wrote
Reply to Why does woolwich need 600 dispensaries??? Shouldn’t they focus on their broke ass bridge instead of building new weed shops lol by Squidoppolis
Where is the fucking correlation? This is the dumbest post on Reddit I've seen in a long time
ripecannon t1_j1dmu1j wrote
Reply to comment by snackexchanger in Hallowell pub faces $17,000 fine for nearly 700 child labor law violations by DrMcMeow
No, it's vindictive, considering whatever I say is hearsay. I also don't want to do anything that might jeopardize my friends job. It's hard enough for people to make ends meet, even if it is a dead end job.
ripecannon t1_j1d3ss5 wrote
Reply to comment by lantech in Hallowell pub faces $17,000 fine for nearly 700 child labor law violations by DrMcMeow
I might not like the owner, but I'm not going to dox a business that I have friends working for.
Also, as much as I don't like what he did, I don't believe it atrocious enough to warrant vindictive behavior.
ripecannon t1_j1cx69s wrote
Reply to comment by 800grandave in Hallowell pub faces $17,000 fine for nearly 700 child labor law violations by DrMcMeow
Well, I know for a fact a certain restaurant i dont want to name, used their entire PPP to buy a boat.
I know of another restaurant in Brunswick, which I was working at the time, that used their loan for their employees.
So, in my conclusion, I don't think anyone in the government was keeping up with what the loans were used for
ripecannon t1_j1cvpl1 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMcMeow in Hallowell pub faces $17,000 fine for nearly 700 child labor law violations by DrMcMeow
I can't find anything about them receiving a second loan
ripecannon t1_j1crx5f wrote
Reply to comment by fredezz in Hallowell pub faces $17,000 fine for nearly 700 child labor law violations by DrMcMeow
240k+ is what they got. They're laughing all the way to the bank, and now court. What a fucking joke
ripecannon t1_j1crs2r wrote
Wtf. Why did they reduce the fine? 700 violations is egregious, a 17k isn't even a slap on the wrist
ripecannon t1_j08qpp6 wrote
Reply to comment by NobleHeavyIndustries in Ticket question by [deleted]
Where do you get the information that you have to send you lisence in to the state? I'm not saying you're wrong, but when I lost my lisence for speeding many a moon ago, I didn't have to do anything like that
ripecannon t1_j08qbhk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ticket question by [deleted]
Whelp, he deserves losing his lisence. There's no back roads in maine that have a speed limit of 65.
I lost my lisence when I was 17 for doing 60 in a 45. Bumming rides for 30 days taught me something.
Pay the price and call it a lesson learned.
Honestly, do you really think a lawyer will get him out of trouble for getting caught doing almost twice the speed limit?
ripecannon t1_is71jfz wrote
Reply to comment by MoxManiac in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Thank you for paying more attention then me, and for your insight. I will definitely be voting.
ripecannon t1_is70soo wrote
Reply to comment by CptnAlex in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Thank you for the insight.
ripecannon t1_is6zi20 wrote
Reply to comment by MoxManiac in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
Well, according to reddit, maybe.
I have my doubts about your enthusiasm
ripecannon t1_is6xgzo wrote
Reply to comment by 3490goat in Maine voters to choose governor amid economic uncertainty and social upheaval by soulc
That's how LePage got voted in last time. We don't need any useless wrench
ripecannon t1_is6umtj wrote
I hate that LePage will get voted in again. All it took last time was, what, 37% of the votes?
Fucking LePages political resume is a joke compared to Mills, and that other guy sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing, he is just there to throw a wrench on the cogs.
ripecannon OP t1_is5x8tx wrote
Reply to comment by iceflame1211 in Pharmacy recommendations in the Topsham area by ripecannon
Thanks, I likely won't search around. I'm new to frequent pharmacy visits so I didn't knownif this was normal or not.
ripecannon t1_ir3e9t8 wrote
Is he choking on Mills' lunch?
ripecannon t1_iqm2bxj wrote
Not any more. You're better off going to Reny's
ripecannon t1_jdlwwmu wrote
Reply to I dont love the idea but as long as you have consent... by Gary_busey_syndrome
So, that bumper sticker is alright, but we can't have vanity plates that are less obvious?