
riski_click t1_iujlkq4 wrote

fair enough, then I'm going to suggest George Howell in DTX. It's probably within a 10 minute walk from South Station, and they have a really good selection. Try the Tarrazu French Roast to start, that's my go-to, and it's also their cheapest at like $15/bag.

George Howell started Coffee Connection, which was our Starbucks in Boston before Starbucks bought them out..


riski_click t1_iujfm5x wrote

If you're interested, you can also buy green beans from someone (Len's in Medford will ship or do pick up) and practice some stove-top roasting with a korean-style ceramic roaster (they're like $25 online).

caveat: you have to blow the chaff off during the roasting process, so unless you can lean out a window or keep going out the back door while you're roasting, this might not work for you..


riski_click t1_iui0kze wrote

Good watching out, but would have been better if you called management as soon as you were safe so they could catch him.. how do you know that he doesn't go anywhere except there?


riski_click t1_iuemj99 wrote

>"Here’s what I see all across this great city – people working together to make Boston a better place to live and to raise children, to grow and pursue dreams.”

and also..

"You might not have as many problems getting permits issued quickly if you use Suffolk as a general contractor"