riski_click t1_j2eq0yp wrote
Reply to MBTA warns First Night revelers to expect extra travel time due to Orange Line issues by lqdizzle
oh, so "extra" travel time really means extra extra extra travel time?
riski_click t1_j2asfad wrote
Reply to People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
obligatory "Look Kids, Big Ben!"
riski_click t1_j28jhjc wrote
Reply to How do we feel about dogs in coffee shops? by korkvid
grabs popcorn
riski_click t1_j2603cs wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
lol. If someone told you Walgreens on Washington closed because of theft, they're just in denial that it was a shit store that was directly across the street from a CVS that is easily three times the size.. There was literally nothing done right with that store. The Walgreens that used to be a Borders is less than a mile away and doing fine.
riski_click t1_j25z0dt wrote
Reply to comment by Wizard_of_Rozz in Anyone seen Shen Yun before? Mom got us 2 tickets for this weekend @ Wang Center and no clue about what to expect! by bostonguy2004
best enjoyed after hits from the Falun Bong.
riski_click t1_j25yo4x wrote
i was not expecting the bill I got today, that's for sure.. :-(
riski_click t1_j25yawt wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
what kind of ending would you have had?
riski_click t1_j25y0u0 wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
I haven't seen anything about closing stores because of theft, I have seen that they are opening more "stores" in target. They just opened one in Kendall a few months ago that seems to be doing fine.
riski_click t1_j25xpjc wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
their stock price took a hit during the pandemic, but it's made a comeback. It's up 20% over the past 5 years. I'm guessing the shareholders would tell you not giving a fuck is working just fine.
riski_click t1_j2222gr wrote
Reply to I remember seeing an old WB sign off of the highway coming into the city. What was it for? by [deleted]
Dot and Wacko's Sex Palace
riski_click t1_j206mov wrote
Reply to comment by Maxpowr9 in worst area in Boston mbta wise ?? by kingreph3
i'm still holding out for the $100 million sky gondola.
riski_click t1_j1z7cgu wrote
Reply to comment by anonym0usfeminist in Question about oil usage! by anonym0usfeminist
My house is really small and the thermostat has been set at 65 since 11/4 or thereabouts. You also might have someone that regularly takes really long showers. I definitely suggest calling Mass Save if you haven't yet though. Insulation should help.
riski_click t1_j1xe83a wrote
Reply to Question about oil usage! by anonym0usfeminist
I used 138 gallons between 9/7 and 12/19.
riski_click t1_j1x8nyf wrote
Reply to comment by UsernameTaken93456 in I found a wallet full of cash on the Red Line by [deleted]
If they have a "MyCharlie" account, it's registered to them, that's the whole point. It doesn't change the appearance of the card.
Regardless, when someone loses something on the T, they usually call the MBTA as soon as they notice it's missing, they don't go to r/boston to see if someone picked up a wallet full of cash and brought it home with them. If the owner calls the MBTA now to say they lost their wallet, the MBTA isn't going to have it.
riski_click t1_j1ws5ro wrote
Reply to comment by UsernameTaken93456 in I found a wallet full of cash on the Red Line by [deleted]
The good thing to do would be to turn it in to the MBTA. I'll bet you dollars to donuts whomever lost it does not hang out in this subreddit.
riski_click t1_j1wrw16 wrote
Reply to Do people here not eat Rhubarb pie by cartdub
Petsi Pies makes a great strawberry rhubarb. It's not really a winter pie though.. people from here know rhubarb. You can buy it at Market Basket.
riski_click t1_j1ofp7o wrote
I'm on board if they make Fran Drescher's laugh the default tweet alert.
riski_click t1_j1ofdba wrote
info you listed + mbta.com + calculator = your answer.
riski_click t1_j1o0k1h wrote
Reply to comment by lonfal in Mercedes parked on the sidewalk in East Boston with permission from Spinelli's... by njas2000
12/28 1600 - area clear
riski_click t1_j1kfrp5 wrote
Reply to Boston is such a lonely place. by [deleted]
not with that attitude you can't
riski_click t1_j1fxy2r wrote
Reply to WTF?? by thatcrazycactus13
This pic is like "space savers" meets "Silent Hill"
riski_click OP t1_j1einj9 wrote
"Remember Kids, if you ever get separated from your parents, find the nearest police officer to bring you to safety"
Submitted by riski_click t3_ztper5 in boston
riski_click t1_j1ei53h wrote
Were you the same person looking for parking garages to sleep in?
riski_click t1_j2f33l0 wrote
Reply to Best bars/clubs in Boston that take fake fake id’s? by [deleted]
I haven’t been in a while, but Tipsy McStagger’s used to look the other way if you slip them a nickel (with a picture of a bumblebee on it) anyway…