rixtil41 t1_j10y4z3 wrote
Just go to a post that has over 100 upvotes and comments which shouldn't be hard to find if you scroll down.
rixtil41 t1_j0xwoix wrote
Reply to comment by wildadragon in Sci-Fi Movies In The Future? by Producedinchina
We can although not easily protect ourselves from solar flares. I guess what op is saying is that it will be less relatable to the real world.
rixtil41 t1_j0ilxlo wrote
Reply to comment by apinkphoenix in Can We Please Stop Being Disparaging Towards Artists And Others Affected By AI? by apinkphoenix
You seem to be talking about immediate solutions which im not sure anyone has right now. But I'm against banning future developments or advancements as an answer.
rixtil41 t1_j0dnz10 wrote
Reply to comment by Wise-Yogurtcloset646 in will the singularity cure my extreme loneliness? by TupewDeZew
Although I generally agree in the general sense but not in the absolute sense. But most of this sub is like this. All of this future won't happen unless these AI improve, same with vr and more. I dont believe it will take 50 years. Sometime by mid 2040's. By 2029 it should be clear what version of the future is correct.
rixtil41 t1_j0dar5w wrote
Reply to comment by VukKiller in 5 second toaster and kettle by F1NNTORIO
Instantly vaporized if someone walks in front of it.
rixtil41 t1_j05re5g wrote
Reply to comment by green_meklar in The problem isn’t AI, it’s requiring us to work to live by jamesj
Because where the work comes from is assuming to always have to come from a human. When in reality that does not have to be the case. Work is work regardless of the sorce. The work coming from humans in order for society to function is not impossible.
rixtil41 t1_j04anjw wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in Is it just me or does it feel like GPT-4 will basically be game over for the existing world order? by Practical-Mix-4332
I just dont want it to be a slim improvement over chatgtp.
rixtil41 t1_izwnowo wrote
Reply to comment by Kaarssteun in This sub seems weirdly hopeful? I don't get it. by [deleted]
Making music for money will be hit hard if not gone.
rixtil41 t1_iypeuig wrote
Reply to comment by Baron_Samedi_ in Clip Studio gives up under pressure by Sieventer
But if an AI can generate content just as good as a youtuber and more why would I ever go to a human artist let alone pay for one. If this existed I would quit social media.
rixtil41 t1_iylalha wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in Is my career soon to be nonexistent? by apyrexvision
I disagree with the always needing humans to understand complex code and it will never be easy. We could make an AI to that knows the code eventually. lets comeback in 2039 and see whos right.
rixtil41 t1_iykmtcb wrote
It's more possible than faster-than-light communication.
rixtil41 t1_iy4lx1y wrote
Reply to comment by Superduperbals in Why is VR and AR developing so slowly? by Neurogence
We could but stream gaming to the other side of the world with as low latency as a 1 millisecond monitor will never be possible. The speed of light to other half of the world and back will be over 100 milliseconds which is unacceptable. To get streaming as good as a millisecond monitor the server or data center would have to be no father than about 93 miles or 149 kilometers away from where your streaming.
rixtil41 t1_ixy4bdy wrote
rixtil41 t1_ixy2v2y wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
What I was saying is that laptops are anything outdated won't suddenly dissappear but the support of those outdated tech will go away. Once that happens you don't have a practical choice in the long term. Is it possible yes that they will continue it in the long term yes, is it realistic ? no.
rixtil41 t1_ixy1bce wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
But there is no new version of dream cast. You can only buy ones that haven't been used which is not the same. You can't take a dream cast to be repaired.
rixtil41 t1_ixy0e7q wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
What are you going to do when your obsolete tech needs repaire ?
rixtil41 t1_ixy01yx wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
They are profitable on a small scale. If Samsung decides to replace all there phones with pagers and fax machine's they would lose a lot of money.
rixtil41 t1_ixxxaac wrote
Reply to comment by rixtil41 in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
Let's comeback to this comment in 2039 and will see who's ridiculous.
rixtil41 t1_ixxwuk6 wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
Smartphones arent outdated yet. What what are your options when they stop selling them or supporting them ?
rixtil41 t1_ixxvnwr wrote
Reply to comment by Foundation12a in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
Just because something is outdated it doesn't mean it will just dissappear. You can still buy stuff that are discounted rather it be ebay or some where else. What will you do when your phone needs to be repaired? One example is the battery will degrade. If I keep one iPhone out of 10 iPhones and don't use the rest for 10 years the battery won't be that much better than the one that was being used in the frist year.
rixtil41 t1_ixwz2dp wrote
Reply to comment by NTIASAAHMLGTTUD in For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
looks like you're not going to have a choice soon. What are you going to do when they stop selling smartphones and laptops?
rixtil41 t1_ixvxrya wrote
Reply to For anyone still believing that standalone VR/AR/MR will flourish and popularize in the 2020s, please watch this video and think again. by Quealdlor
I still disagree. Let's come back to this post in 2029.
rixtil41 OP t1_ixpsejx wrote
Reply to comment by reboot_the_world in what are you waiting for ? by rixtil41
Mind uploading is about replacing your brain with artificial one. For example replacing your body parts until there is no biological part left. Replace parts of the brain until there's no biological parts left.
Submitted by rixtil41 t3_z3y23y in Futurology
rixtil41 t1_j11skch wrote
Reply to comment by DarthBuzzard in To all you well-read and informed futurologists here: what is the future of gaming? by Verificus
Or if we replace the brain with synthetic parts then you dont need to wear anything. You could control your sensations in ways that would not be possible.