rixtil41 t1_j3mv7uh wrote
Reply to comment by Naugustochi in What will humanity do when everything is, well, eventually discovered by ASI? by Cool-Particular-4159
But you will be limited by speed of light as one thought to the next will take longer than a second.
rixtil41 t1_j3mfrf2 wrote
Reply to comment by CrypticResponseMan1 in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
What feild is that ?
rixtil41 t1_j3mb0xo wrote
Reply to comment by CrypticResponseMan1 in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
AI should tolerate the intolerant if it has no consciousness.
rixtil41 t1_j3khg68 wrote
Reply to comment by CrypticResponseMan1 in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
which is good but it would be better to not rely on your patience as it's not unlimited.
rixtil41 t1_j3inmbh wrote
Reply to comment by Orc_ in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
If I get killed at least it I won't have to deal with emotional cringe speeches with killer robots.
rixtil41 t1_j27dxrn wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in A future without jobs by cummypussycat
So there will be scarcity it just won't matter in the long term. I dont value authenticity if it's close enough.
rixtil41 t1_j279cwh wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in A future without jobs by cummypussycat
But if can make everything my self self-sufficiency why would I need to go to others ?
rixtil41 t1_j24yjft wrote
Reply to comment by cummypussycat in A future without jobs by cummypussycat
Why does there always have to be jobs this is a big fallacy to me.
rixtil41 t1_j24xwj9 wrote
Reply to comment by cummypussycat in A future without jobs by cummypussycat
Because if they do a bunch of responses will be about how capitalism will live on in someway and what we have today will stay forever.
rixtil41 t1_j24wvjo wrote
Reply to A future without jobs by cummypussycat
There's a huge difference between 1% of the population struggling and 90 % struggling. Poverty just isn't a big enough of a problem to be sloved right away even though it will get better.
rixtil41 t1_j24q6rq wrote
Reply to comment by Artanthos in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
After it's been done of course.
rixtil41 t1_j22k4vg wrote
Reply to comment by Artanthos in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
Or just make your own hardware and software.
rixtil41 t1_j22jpum wrote
Reply to comment by Artanthos in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
Not physically impossible.
rixtil41 t1_j2227g6 wrote
Reply to comment by rixtil41 in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
I would spend a billion dollars or most of my money if I won that much money to get it open sorced.
rixtil41 t1_j21ul5p wrote
Reply to comment by Artanthos in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
Just don't show or share what the AI created and they will never know. I see this no different than fan art.
rixtil41 t1_j1vs19v wrote
Reply to Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
I have a better solution why not just force everyone to live in cities with high density?
rixtil41 t1_j1tk6gi wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Heat1513 in Will the singularity require political revolution to be of maximum benefit? If so, what ideas need to change? by OldWorldRevival
let's come back in 2039 to see whos delusional.
rixtil41 t1_j1tekf4 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Heat1513 in Will the singularity require political revolution to be of maximum benefit? If so, what ideas need to change? by OldWorldRevival
If you replace you body parts with synthetic ones then you could run on nothing but electricity making climate change no longer a number one problem.
rixtil41 t1_j1tad9o wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Heat1513 in Will the singularity require political revolution to be of maximum benefit? If so, what ideas need to change? by OldWorldRevival
If you could live in vr climate change is irrelevant.
rixtil41 t1_j1g8wnr wrote
Reply to comment by Financial_Exercise88 in Greenland's glaciers are melting 100 times faster than estimated by strangeattractors
But what about the future where genetic engineering requires less and does not rely on a large number of people? Unless you think humanity will die off before that becomes a reality.
rixtil41 t1_j1egecv wrote
Reply to comment by Financial_Exercise88 in Greenland's glaciers are melting 100 times faster than estimated by strangeattractors
So although I don't know the exact ways to on how this would work in every detail my point is that it's not impossible to survive and that any attempt at survival is doomed to fail even if only a small percentage of humanity was left.
rixtil41 t1_j19rwoo wrote
Reply to comment by AdmiralWackbar in The Metaverse: More Hype Than Substance? by dogonix
Are you against marks meta verse or vr it self ?
rixtil41 t1_j15cmkp wrote
Reply to comment by reddolfo in Greenland's glaciers are melting 100 times faster than estimated by strangeattractors
There is enough air to last us a few hundred years so not that big of a deal if the air we breathe stoped being naturally recycled right now.
rixtil41 t1_j12o825 wrote
Reply to comment by MyCuteData in To all you well-read and informed futurologists here: what is the future of gaming? by Verificus
I would say late 2030's. But thats going to because of replaceing parts of the brain and the entire thing.
rixtil41 t1_j3s4eh5 wrote
Reply to comment by summertime_taco in 2023 Predictions (BUT WITH A POLL!!!) by AgginSwaggin
If it makes you feel better I will leave the sub if no AGI before 2030.