
robzilla71173 t1_ivp4dka wrote

Speaking for myself I saw it as a class warfare issue. The people of galloway aren't going to stand up to fight development in our neighborhoods. In fact, that corner of town sometimes drives the commercial development that encroaches on mine. We had the same problem with an apartment complex being built a few years ago uphill from us in our flood prone area and our protests fell on deaf ears. Since then we've had a factory move in that blocks the sunsets and drowns out the stars from the park where we used to watch them. The park itself is now being covered in astroturf, which will be great for the soccer parents who flock here from the other end of town but makes it pretty hard to enjoy for the people who bought houses next to it. I don't even know why they just bulldozed two acres of trees down the block from me but I assume it's a parking lot or strip mall. We don't get to fight those things and the people who do have the means to fight them don't really worry about them outside of their own neighborhood so it was hard to be asked to vote no to help them.

The No signs where I live are on commercial property. When the guy who owns a derelict gas station that attracts squatters yards away from where your kids play asks you to please vote to protect the sanctity of his house from the dangers of luxury apartments, it's hard to not get mad.


robzilla71173 t1_ivhrslt wrote

I think it's the best way to drown personally. Nah seriously though it's pretty safe. I've been known to take naps in mine. I think the park board also rents canoes but every time I paddle with someone else in the boat we just go in circles. :p


robzilla71173 t1_ivhp1py wrote

That's a fine goal right there. My kayak is my happy place. Btw I believe fellows lake rents kayaks and may even have some intro to paddling classes through the park board. I'm looking forward to taking some sailing lessons out there next summer.


robzilla71173 t1_ivh2sq6 wrote

You're welcome. You could probably find a lot along the shore at Fellows or Tablerock too. I just mentioned Stockton because I go there pretty often and see a lot of it. Every now and then a piece is too cool to pass up and it finds its way into my kayak. :)


robzilla71173 t1_iv3viv1 wrote

If you go north on 13 you can sometimes find round egg sized rocks called Weableau eggs. They're thought to be the remnants of a meteorite impacting in the weableau area when molten rock flew into the air and cooled into round shapes falling back down.


robzilla71173 t1_iv34opw wrote

Don't know if anyone else has suggested this yet, but if she's an indoor cat who uses a box you might try putting her box outside. That way she might smell her smell and know which way to come home. Cats don't generally wander very far, they're just bad with directions if they're used to being indoors, so she might be pretty close by. Every time my parents' cat gets out she's no more than one or two houses away and usually not sure of the way home until she sees them. Also might check with neighbors to look in garages, crawlspaces, basements, etc. We had one once who had wandered into a garage just as the door was closing and nobody knew where he was until the neighbor opened the door again. Good luck.


robzilla71173 t1_iv11wui wrote

Little Tokyo, aka Misaki. It's like a fast food version of Nakato's. Cheap, tasty, fast, and the people are super nice. The guy who works the pickup window on weekends is trying to educate me on anime. Bless his heart it's a lost cause. I've been going there so long that when they see it's me they just start the spicy chicken cooking. Honorable mentions go to Pappy's for their amazing pulled pork sandwich and Braum's for their sausage biscuits, which I'm eating one of right now. Cafe Cusco is my go to for family events because my parents are vegetarians and everybody has something they love there.