robzilla71173 t1_izfrmzf wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh
There's one on Enterprise north of Sunshine.
robzilla71173 t1_izfaotp wrote
Reply to Springfield is up there in the violent crime rankings. Is it safe for an incoming Missouri State student? by viraxil359
It's not that bad actually. I don't know where you're coming from, but if it's a larger city you're probably going to find it much safer here than where you were.
I work at MSU and a lot of my friends work with international students (or are international themselves.) Check out the Morris Center if you haven't already, they can help a lot and you'll be in good company. Some cool people there.
robzilla71173 t1_izf1jbr wrote
Reply to comment by shavedcow in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh
If he liked hong kong inn I think it's a given he'd like mexican villa. They're both made to appeal to the same people.
robzilla71173 t1_izepdcy wrote
Reply to The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh
I don't think I've ever heard Hong Kong Inn and 'the best' in the same sentence before unless it's 'Hong Kong Inn is the best place to find hillbillies stuck in a drive thru line after work'. Seriously, thought this guy was a foodie of some sort and he's recommending the mexican villa of cheap Chinese?
robzilla71173 t1_izbbuw5 wrote
Reply to comment by GinWithJennifer in Popular restaurant chain Twin Peaks plans to open location in Springfield by [deleted]
Why on earth would anyone downvote this? These kiddos...
It's like Hooters, but maybe even a little skimpier clothing.
Was the Whataburger open yet? They're still working on the one on N. Glenstone.
robzilla71173 t1_iz9y459 wrote
Reply to I know this isn't only Springfield, but it's at least 30% of you all. Can you please stop tailgating by PalPubPull
I've gotten to where I will either speed up or slow down to avoid packs. If someone's tailgating me and I have the left lane open sometimes I'll swing into the passing lane and tap the brakes to send them by on the right. People are idiots, you have to move them around sometimes like you're moving cattle.
robzilla71173 t1_iz9xxph wrote
Reply to comment by ManlyVanLee in I know this isn't only Springfield, but it's at least 30% of you all. Can you please stop tailgating by PalPubPull
I got to pay the municipality of Billings a solid $200 back in the nineties after being caught doing 53 in a 45 trying to get my girlfriend to her asthma medicine during a bad attack. She was quite literally turning blue in the lips from lack of oxygen in the car next to me while he was harassing me about making up stories. I honestly stopped hoping he could help us get to some help or a fire station or EMT. Nope, just nailed me with tickets. I got hassled by the prosecutor for pleading guilty to no license. I'd been given a ticket for not having my license with me. Apparently that's not illegal. My thought was, shouldn't the cop have known that? I'm just some 18 year old kid.
robzilla71173 t1_iz8k9sj wrote
Reply to comment by Globalksp in Introduction to Neighboring 101 - University of Missouri Extension course by var23
Then he's gonna do a duet with a holographic Tupac.
robzilla71173 t1_iz6mkoy wrote
Step 1: don't let raccoons live in your crawlspace or attic.
Step 3: profits!
robzilla71173 t1_iz5n70i wrote
Reply to comment by Always_0421 in Imagine just sitting up there…plotting your next moves. by WeekendElectronic475
Nah, I think they mean the restaurant.
robzilla71173 t1_iz3fdga wrote
Reply to comment by 00112358132135 in Who has the best Chinese buffet in town? by wildweasel29
Bentonville has good ones. Asian king just makes me sad and ichiban has gone downhill from an already low baseline.
robzilla71173 t1_iz22jim wrote
Reply to comment by MrZanzinger in Springfield is the poorest city in Missouri by WaywardDeadite
Though I think Willard has had an elementary school inside spfd for a long time too. I think the grade school out west division is Willard.
robzilla71173 t1_iz229cm wrote
Reply to comment by MrZanzinger in Springfield is the poorest city in Missouri by WaywardDeadite
Hickory Hills is east of city limits now. I'm curious what fire department they use out there. I'm sure my friend would have complained if he had Strafford fire, but theirs is the nearest fire station.
robzilla71173 t1_iz17e43 wrote
Reply to comment by MrZanzinger in Springfield is the poorest city in Missouri by WaywardDeadite
This. They even have a school we pay for that sits in their neighborhood outside of the city on east Division.
robzilla71173 t1_iyyckdr wrote
Reply to comment by KLR650Tagg in Two men charged with stealing and damaging C.A.R.E. Animal Rescue Trailer; trailer stripped for parts by ash-hole189
Theyre in Webster County.
robzilla71173 t1_iyrkrus wrote
Reply to comment by Anima_EB in Guitar lessons by MonoChaos
I second this. YouTube has some great lessons. I'd also add that I've made a lot of progress with Fenderplay online lessons. They have a free week trial and I think it was 40 dollars for a year after that. The structure helped me. I'd love to find some in person lessons somewhere too.
robzilla71173 t1_iy91790 wrote
Reply to comment by MotherofaPickle in Me time ideas by insertsnamehere-
Love that area. I go to Compton Hollow nearby a lot and there are some really beautiful hills and farms out along that drive. Fun roads too.
robzilla71173 t1_iy8fir4 wrote
Reply to yeah yeah, we've all seen it by Punnchy
It's weird that people can transition so seamlessly between complaining about a facebook page that makes fun of homeless people and mentally ill locals to thrice weekly posts making fun of a guy who obviously lives in his car.
robzilla71173 t1_iy4ekkz wrote
Reply to comment by KTfl1 in McDonald’s sigh on I-44 by Zealousideal_Ad2686
Depends. I've had some that definitely were very chicken tasting. Wal Mart actually sells a frozen variety that I like with that most western of flavors, tikka masala. The vegetable samosas at that place are okay, but just okay. Nothing like what you'd find in a sit down restaurant, but on par with what you'd expect at a convenience store. More just convenience food. I like them but they definitely require a sauce on the side. Too much potato and not enough of anything else.
robzilla71173 t1_iy3xc60 wrote
Reply to comment by KTfl1 in McDonald’s sigh on I-44 by Zealousideal_Ad2686
Yeah, and probably healthier overall. And they're a decent snack. Still, I wonder what the chicken ones would taste like... if they exist.
robzilla71173 t1_iy3rx9t wrote
Reply to McDonald’s sigh on I-44 by Zealousideal_Ad2686
It's Hindi. There are a lot of Indian truck drivers on I-44 so the truck stops frequently have small Indian restaurants or food counters for travelers, (called Dhabas). There's a place in Joplin that has zero chicken samosas. Ever. There's just an empty bin and a nice lady who says 'I'm all out, would you like vegetarian?' Every single damn time. I'm starting to question the existence of the chicken ones at all.
robzilla71173 t1_ixuvcrf wrote
Reply to comment by SCORPIONfromMK in Missouri Mike's Mike Hickman by lollipopkiller98
Main actually, but I think you're thinking of the right place.
robzilla71173 t1_ixsop2d wrote
Reply to comment by SliceOfBrain in Missouri Mike's Mike Hickman by lollipopkiller98
This reddit group is bad about that too. Theres a lot of crapping on the poorer parts of town by this bunch. Sometimes I just have to step away from it for a while.
robzilla71173 t1_ixsnarr wrote
Reply to comment by LocationTime5348 in Missouri Mike's Mike Hickman by lollipopkiller98
Apparently he also owns white river and that sucks because i love their patio, they bring in good bands, and the people are nice.
robzilla71173 t1_izfs28n wrote
Reply to comment by bthornsy in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh
Been a few years since I've been, but at the time their General was one of my favorites. Agree about the crab rangoons.