
robzilla71173 t1_iu965sb wrote

The local conservation areas have good trails. Pleasant Hope and Sac woods are both just north on 13. Compton Hollow is east about 20 miles. It's youth deer season so could be hunters but all 3 are usually uncrowded.


robzilla71173 t1_iu5kgwb wrote

Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Not Hot Cluckers! by evadssor

Looking at the menus they're probably pretty similar quality food, but Mimi's looks like they have more choices. I'll have to try Mimi's next week, thanks for mentioning them. Those croissants look like ones a family friend used to make for Thanksgiving. I could eat those all day long.


robzilla71173 t1_iu4w7ks wrote

Reply to comment by ybanalyst in Not Hot Cluckers! by evadssor

I've been told he was also fraudulently applying for loans using Buz Hosfeld's name (deceased, very well regarded, former owner of White River) after buying the brewery. A story about all of this says the federal government is currently suing him and going after his properties.


robzilla71173 t1_iu053hy wrote

I remember back when Wayne Milnes, aka Sammy B. Goode, was one of those characters. He was fun. I believe he was the mortician who would pop out of a coffin hiding place and measure people as they walked past.

Every been to Casa Bonita in Denver? It's like that with performers. Constant chases and gunfights through the restaurant.


robzilla71173 t1_itv8uj5 wrote

Reply to comment by Cold417 in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

I don't know why you keep downvoting our comments, does it make you feel warm and fuzzy?

We tell you because we're hoping you'll make less dickish comments if you realize that you're driving people away from your cause. It's a courtesy.


robzilla71173 t1_itv7d6m wrote

Reply to comment by Cold417 in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

We did, yes. Btw, this and the other thread have both inspired me to vote yes. So has the 'No' sign on the commercial property that's encroaching on my neighborhood. Seems it's owned by someone from down there in Galloway. (aka Karentown)


robzilla71173 t1_isdl0xf wrote

A friend's dad used his company credit card to pay for a handy-j there once. The company was the assemblies o God, and they weren't amused. Managed to lose both his job and marriage in the same shot, (pun not intended but fun anyway), though I assume if you find yourself knowingly throwing your job away to get your junk waxed at Tokyo sauna, things were probably already not great at home.


robzilla71173 t1_is0z5nx wrote

As he pointed out in an interview once, he also has to go twice as far because he has to keep going back to pick up his camera after the shot. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Gryll's because he's just fun. Tea on top of a balloon canopy dressed as Lord Admiral Nelson? That's a guy you party with. But certainly Les was the more sensible of the two when it came to surviving. Nobody really drinks water out of elephant dung if they intend to stay healthy. That's something you do because you know you'll be back in town close to a hospital after the shoot is over.


robzilla71173 t1_is0lcc9 wrote

There are a lot of turtles in the city. My parents live a few blocks from there near Campbell and Lynn and had one who lived in their yard for about twenty years. Like someone else said, right now water is scarce so animals are roaming more. I appreciate that you were trying to keep him safe but animals tend to have mates and territories so it maybe best to get them across the road and leave it at that.

My folks once saw a pair of deer walking down the middle of Lynn. I live near Cooper Park and we used to get a lot of foxes and coyotes. And turtles and rabbits of course. We live in an urban forest, particularly in the older sections of town. No joke, I once had an injured red-tailed hawk flutter in through my patio door to hide in my house. Animal Control came out at midnight and we got him to the zoo for rehab, though he unfortunately had been too hurt and was put down.

True story, years ago some neighbors had a pet African tortoise run away and the posters had detailed pics and description. I would've assumed that any 3 ft turtle nearby was the right one.

It's a jungle out there.


robzilla71173 t1_irjiku6 wrote

Yes, I know. And that sort of consequence is why they don't just have police chases without a serious need. I don't think the person we were responding to was considering that, nor was the op if they felt a risk of accident was a weak excuse. There have been several fatalities during car chases in my time here.


robzilla71173 t1_irim2m9 wrote

That was exactly my thought. I remember a post this year where people here were angry at the police in Ozark over an accident during a chase.

A few years ago they did try to catch a motorcyclist who took off here in town. Took 3 departments, a helicopter, and about 6 hours and it finally ended when he went to his mom's house where they were waiting for him. Kept having to back off and just track him so he wouldn't crash. Can't imagine how expensive it would get to do that weekly at the eagle stop. Fwiw, that group were the only people who got tickets for being out during the covid shutdown.