robzilla71173 t1_j652ajb wrote
Reply to MO 7th district representative by laffingriver
He's also an idiot who will vote as he's told and never do anything original or useful for his constituents. I predict a man who will make Billy Long look like a master statesman. Unfortunately any dog turd can win that seat as long as they win the republican nomination, and until local republicans demand better, we'll keep getting turds.
robzilla71173 t1_j643589 wrote
Reply to comment by Jimithyashford in IRS seizes $1.3M yacht, several vehicles, and more from Springfield multi-restaurant owner by Gryffeon
I loved going to White River. Had a great little patio and always had decent music on the weekends. Haven't been since finding out he owned it a few months ago, and from the looks of it on weekend nights when I've driven by, I think a lot of people feel the same way.
robzilla71173 t1_j5qj6tn wrote
Seems like there was a local guitarist advertising cheap guitar lessons on this sub a few months ago. Might be worth a search, I think he was someone just starting out looking for his first students.
robzilla71173 t1_j5qh1iw wrote
Reply to comment by mangogetter in Thoughts on greenwood laboratory? by cementero94
I was actually a national merit scholar from CHS in the early nineties. And I can confirm that it was a very accepting culture. I grew up as the nerdy kid and walked into that building terrified of being bullied. What I discovered was a community that cheered on the Science Olympiad team as wildly as they did the basketball team. I'm very proud of being a Central grad. SPS overall has some great schools with amazing teachers, but I wouldn't trade my experience at Central High for anywhere else.
robzilla71173 t1_j5prd38 wrote
Reply to comment by npcrites in Relocation :) by Total-Investment7462
There's a small independent theater in Joplin called Bookhouse Cinema. Same movies as the Moxie, (the owner is a big Moxie fan), but with a small restaurant and pub and a comfy area to play games, eat, do trivia nights, etc. Saw a film festival there a few weeks ago and am itching to go back. Cool little place.
robzilla71173 t1_j5n74ub wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in Authentic street tacos by Fancy-Pineapple6844
Yeah. Get back to Montrose where you belong, ya frizzy haired freak!
And now I'm going to try and drink away my shame for loving For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge...
robzilla71173 t1_j5llyu5 wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in Authentic street tacos by Fancy-Pineapple6844
What sort of people downvote properly applied dad jokes? You have my upvote sir. Have it and go with god!
Also, Tacos El Gordo is the correct answer.
robzilla71173 t1_j584sls wrote
Reply to Where can I build my own burrito? by Bigfootpizzahut
Tacos El Gordo makes a fine one.
robzilla71173 t1_j51taco wrote
Reply to comment by LurkingOakleaf in This subreddit seems pretty blind when it comes to Northern Springfield. by PixelSteel
Everybody says they're going to build a fence out of old bike frames. But only one guy went and actually did it, bless his heart. And not just a north sider, but a full on west Division north sider.
robzilla71173 t1_j510zgq wrote
Reply to comment by MotherofaPickle in This subreddit seems pretty blind when it comes to Northern Springfield. by PixelSteel
So you're saying the reason I don't see all the meth addicts randomly roaming my neighborhood as this gentleman describes is that they're south of my north side neighborhood? And that it gets really bad once you go south of the middle of town?
I feel like there's a big difference in what people in this town consider the north and south side. I find it hard to consider south of downtown as the north side.
robzilla71173 t1_j4ypr6c wrote
Reply to comment by PixelSteel in This subreddit seems pretty blind when it comes to Northern Springfield. by PixelSteel
Yeah I don't think that confirms that division st is covered in meth fueled zombies. I don't know what to tell you, if you're hounded by poor people at gas stations, buy a tesla. Though unfortunately the good charging station is on north glenstone. If you don't like where you live then my suggestion would be to move. But your experience isnt universal. I grew up a few blocks away from Jefferson and division and never had any problems. My parents still live there and wouldn't trade their neighbors for the world.
I dated a Kickapoo girl once. Asked her why the whole family kept guns under their beds. Turns out their next door neighbor was Jon feeney. I'll take a stolen bike over that any day.
robzilla71173 t1_j4yf9xl wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in This subreddit seems pretty blind when it comes to Northern Springfield. by PixelSteel
This right here. A lot of us either stuck around or came back north after growing up here because although this half of town is undeniably poorer, it's also been my experience that it's a significantly more diverse and tolerant area.
robzilla71173 t1_j4yda5s wrote
Reply to comment by kernelpanic789 in This subreddit seems pretty blind when it comes to Northern Springfield. by PixelSteel
I'm curious. Do you actually travel or live along division and see a lot of people walking around high on merh or are you just trying to use a metaphor you think will please this crowd? I ask because I grew up just off division and have lived between division and chestnut for 20 years as an adult and in nearly 40 years of traversing it on foot, bicycle, car, and flying over in airplanes I have never seen any of the drug fueled drama you kids seem to encounter. Maybe it's just that you guys run in a different crowd but I have to ask, where are you guys finding all the meth? Seriously, are you genuinely regularly running into meandering meth addicts in my neighborhood?
robzilla71173 t1_j4xj6ib wrote
Reply to comment by lemler3 in WTF do I have to join a cult to find a job around here damn! by mrd247
I spent the first decade of my career in one of the factories in the area. Our practice was to bring in new hires as temps from an agency, and then we could see how they did for a few weeks and offer permanent jobs with full benefits to the ones that seemed to click at the work. I would assume we weren't the only place that did this.
robzilla71173 t1_j4vw5lr wrote
Reply to comment by lochlainn in Springfield needs to step up! Patriot Front is taking over and mocking our city. by Upper_Case_655
I also thought this was the nazi sticker, though I got a late 80s Christian rock vibe from it rather than Rush (I thought it said "risen" in old eighties pop font).
robzilla71173 t1_j4vjl8n wrote
Reply to Springfield needs to step up! Patriot Front is taking over and mocking our city. by Upper_Case_655
Is this the PF sticker? It looks like an 80's Christian rock album cover had a baby with the Avenger's logo. Like if I saw this on a door I'd expect to find jacked dudes tearing phone books for Jesus to a thumping bassline on the other side.
robzilla71173 t1_j4vi1ea wrote
Reply to comment by youngpunk420 in Springfield needs to step up! Patriot Front is taking over and mocking our city. by Upper_Case_655
It isn't really the shooting range that makes it trashy, it's the fact that it's only 25 minutes away and a straight shot off of the highway so it draws lots of crowds of people who are looking for something with easy access. It's been trashy for decades, and I would wager a lot of those people don't even know it extends to the west and has a shooting range. If you want something less sketchy and close I'd recommend Sac Woods or Pleasant Hope up 13, or Compton Hollow out east by Northview. They're smaller but they're closer and less crowded and way less chewed up. In fact I can say from personal experience that PH has never had any issues with nazis or otherwise unsavory types and until a couple of years ago they also had an unsupervised shooting range.
Also fyi the Frisco is only paved up to Willard and in Bolivar, so if you drive another 8 miles or so down 160 from the Kearney trailhead it's unpaved for the next 20+ miles.
robzilla71173 t1_j4sjwza wrote
Reply to comment by Dbol504 in Problem with the city, I need an attorney that will fight for me by teamfinder417acct
take my upvote you magnificent bastard.
robzilla71173 t1_j3recga wrote
Reply to comment by fphillips93 in Grieving family doesn’t get donations from Springfield restaurant fundraiser (Thai Express is said restaurant) by Ozarkian_Tritip
The $39 was just a cash collection jar. I think what's getting him into hot water is that he advertised 5% of his sales for a time period would be donated to the family. It comes out to about $2k by his estimate. I'm guessing the family is not so concerned about the money, but more mortified that a local business may have used their daughter's death to bring in customers without contacting them and then held onto the money anyway. I don't know him or them and am hoping it's all a misunderstanding because it really is pretty sketchy sounding. My advice to any small business owner is even if you intend to follow through with donations, it's really, really unwise to latch onto someone's tragedy like that. Very ethically sketchy, even if your intentions are good. I would never do something like this without reaching out to the family first.
Edit: also something I hadn't realized until just now when I read his original facebook post promoting donations and the subsequent letter from their attorney, but he implicitly encouraged people to not donate to their gofundme because it charges fees, but to give him money instead to give to them. So I can see why they're upset at the whole thing.
robzilla71173 t1_j1984lm wrote
Plot twist, his mom is Sarah Conner.
Doesn't sound threatening, just sounds like someone having a mental health issue like others have said. Grew up there, some odd characters knock on your door sometimes. I was once treated to a ten minute long hypothesis on how Eric Clapton killed Stevie Ray Vaughn out of jealousy of his talent. I would've run back inside but I honestly wanted to see where he was going with it.
robzilla71173 t1_j10enjf wrote
Reply to comment by jgj570s in what else can we name after him?! by clOverrated
I'm sure he does. But I don't have a subscription to KC Star so I have no idea what's in that opinion blog. But he's never as far as I know expressed any support for the Jan 6 insurrection or those who carried it out. I'm not sure there was some magical gotcha moment in that blog that would show he did. I suspect if there had been it would have been somewhere more than in a blog behind a paywall.
robzilla71173 t1_j0zf1uc wrote
Reply to comment by ash-hole189 in what else can we name after him?! by clOverrated
I grew up going to science competitions in Temple Hall. I practically lived there for my pre engineering years and I actually did live there during grad school. And now I work as a scientist at MSU. Not lying when I say this was the first time I'd ever heard of Allen Temple. Not sure it's legend. I would almost guarantee my coworkers here also don't know who he is. We know Blunt because he pushes massive amounts of funding our way for science research and that included about fifty million to double the size of Temple Hall, which is why they renamed it after him. I'll happily eat the downvotes if it means some of you will read this and think about ditching the blanket views of him as anti science because he's a republican. He was literally a science teacher before politics and has pushed billions into science research during his career. I don't agree with his politics, but I'm very aware that he's pro science.
robzilla71173 t1_j0zcyw2 wrote
Reply to comment by jgj570s in what else can we name after him?! by clOverrated
Trying to remember when he supported Jan 6? I think you're confusing Blunt with Hawley. Whether or not you like him, he's not retiring because he hates being a Senator. He's retiring because he clashed with trump and fell out of favor with Missouri Republicans. Blunt was one of the people denouncing Jan 6 as it was going on, which would be expected since it interfered with his constitutional duty to verify the results of the election and he's a pretty strict constitutionalist.
robzilla71173 t1_j0qd2rw wrote
Reply to comment by RottonMayonaise in Yet another general chicken question (chuf)- by Murky_Wolf3895
Their Singapore Mei fun is one of my favorite foods. Awesome little place.
robzilla71173 t1_j65ryuk wrote
Reply to comment by whistletipss in IRS seizes $1.3M yacht, several vehicles, and more from Springfield multi-restaurant owner by Gryffeon
The location was one of the draws for me with white river. It's between where I spend summer nights on my bike and where I live. It just seems like the crowd has diminished somewhat since this all started to come out. It was never huge, it was just a little too far west of the action, but it had a healthy supply of regulars and that seems to have gone down. I've never been to Wire Road, was supposed to go to an event there this week but completely zoned on it. Is that in Battlefield?