rocketmallu t1_jdhuisb wrote
Reply to comment by subtlystub714 in I gave a woman my umbrella yesterday by h3llofaRide
It’s Ben Shaprio in a trench coat
rocketmallu t1_j5pqf5o wrote
Reply to comment by SjurEido in Brazil's Lula appoints Indigenous ministers to reverse Amazon deforestation by loggiews
I think you misinterpret. The US has never supported or allowed democratically elected governments in South America.
Indigenous people taking over their natural resources?
USA: not on my watch
rocketmallu t1_j5poj5a wrote
Reply to comment by miscellaneous-bs in Brazil's Lula appoints Indigenous ministers to reverse Amazon deforestation by loggiews
Not directly no, but a majority of the deforestation is due to cattle ranchers who export beef to the US.
Ending deforestation in the Amazon threatens the American way of life,v and reduces American’s freedom to consume beef
rocketmallu t1_j5ogxid wrote
Reply to comment by LedParade in Brazil's Lula appoints Indigenous ministers to reverse Amazon deforestation by loggiews
>Sounds like a move in the right direction
You think the US is just going to sit back and let it happen?
Edit: Wow, so many downvotes. When was the last time the US supported democratically elected South American governments who nationalize or stop exploitation of their national resources
rocketmallu t1_jdn4ryo wrote
Reply to comment by StickFigureSoul in New project aims to bring education to 10 million girls in rural India by Sidjoneya
Traditional loans in this case means access to funds with low interest (alternative being loan sharks) to start a small business.
It has helped many people achieve financial independence