
rockmasterflex t1_j4vtw2a wrote

For sure, but considering it "third rail" if it stagnates when costs constantly grow up is dangerously complacent. In fact, your local taxpayers should be demanding better funding for your local public library, and anyone who doesn't support it should be voted out -> but as youve described it, it just being in the budget means the town has considered it "solved"


rockmasterflex t1_j4vinzh wrote

Sure, Murphy can improve the state library system... but chances are all of the libraries you have ever been to were municipal or county ones.

And your local politics are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more important there.

Start at home and you'll immediately find the dysfunction. Your local government is likely preoccupied with 4 things (assuming you live in a suburb):

  • helping your school board get funding ("wont anybody think of the children!" virtue signaling)

  • NIMBY based rejection of affordable housing, power infrastructure improvements, revenue opportunities (like cannabis stores), and anything else that is generally good for the world and/or your town's budget but the folks in the 800k houses don't want.

  • complaining that the state should give them more money anyway just to exist. begging the state for additional money for deeply local issues. openly blaming the state for their problems if there is a party misalignment between state governor and local partisan govt *unless your local govt is sane enough to be nonpartisan

  • spending as much money on police as possible- despite your suburban crime rate being hilariously small- instead of teaching the residents how to lock their cars, doors, and not leave the keys inside them - but "tough on crime" is the easiest fucking virtue signal in existence


rockmasterflex t1_j37mauh wrote

Reply to comment by TheRacoonist in Only in Jersey… by filmginger2489

For this sub? Maybe just three periods and a picture of a flag.

Posts like this aren’t just low effort, they’re also completely irrelevant to NJ. It’s a license plate. If you couldnt see the colors or read the state would you post it here?


rockmasterflex t1_j260ofm wrote

The year is 2022. Govt organizations are worse at UI updates and design than private companies. Private companies (older enterprises) are much worse than modern startups at it.

You’re better off looking for a third party tool that scrapes their website if you want good UX.


rockmasterflex t1_j20wgl5 wrote

Imagine all the political wheels we would have to grease to get a multi town rail from Middletown station thru Sandy hook.

And all the families we’d displace doing it.

But something alongside 36 which is filled with mostly derelict businesses and only a short walk from hazlet station (via airport plaza) could work ?


rockmasterflex t1_j2082t2 wrote

Your final statement is absolutely incorrect. The demand for a guy wanting a six pack is universally high, but so is supply.

The only reason there are lines is the lack of businesses selling it. The constraint on supply.

You can continue to thank politicians for this because they only want the “Amazons of weed” to win, not small businesses.


rockmasterflex t1_iyeeomd wrote

Here’s the thing tho- you can kneecap your entire civilization and still stay in charge and have all the power and luxury you want if you’re good at it.

Said kneecapping only hurts the populace and non elites.

Better to be all powerful and surrounded by poverty than give up power! *taps Chinese forehead


rockmasterflex t1_iwutf6a wrote

Other states basically manage everything at the state or county level for the cost savings. It works. There is no reason a town like “Riverdale” for instance, needs to exist. They have their own government, all the overhead that entails, a school system… wtf why?

Shared services with neighboring communities (your county) means same level of service, lower management costs, lower property management costs, less overhead.


rockmasterflex t1_iwdi77r wrote

Step 1) Own a controlling amount of local grocery stores

Step 2) price the competition out of the business

Step 3) keep growing your grocery store business

Step 4) Put your prices back up where you want them

Step 5) Undisputable champion!

Note this would be harder to do if, idk, not one family owned most of the shop rites in your state.

And the reason the patriotic music is blasting in the front door is because these fuckers are card carrying members of the far right.


rockmasterflex t1_ivouuqm wrote

In NJ it is TREMENDOUSLY difficult to pull people off the rolls. Everyone should be confirming their registration yearly regardless just to be sure they weren't erroneously purged, but what VERY LIKELY happened here is that sample ballot with a new district on it went straight into the trash and he showed up at the wrong polling location.