
rollotomasi07071 t1_j0ujl2p wrote

A little-known secret about car dealers that they don't want you to know: Dealers want to sell cars for more money than they paid for the cars themselves. I know, right? The nerve.

Anyway, it's up to you to research, figure out the dealer's cost to buy the car and decide if the price they're charging is fair or not.


rollotomasi07071 t1_j0c4925 wrote

So, wait... I never thought about this before: Because of the inclined planes, the canal never flowed continuously from end to end like the D&R canal, correct? So was the water just stagnant between inclined planes? How was it refilled if it got too low?


rollotomasi07071 t1_izxnw4x wrote

Nowhere in this list does it say junk mail is acceptable

Proof of Address for Citizens and Non-Citizens - all applicants, citizens and non-citizens, must present proofs of address, which may include, but are not limited to one of these:

Utility or credit card bill issued in the past 90 days that shows your name at your current address

Checking or savings account statement from a bank or credit union, issued within the past two years

High school or college report card or transcript containing your address, issued within the past two years

Original lease or rental agreement showing your name as the lessee or renter

Property tax bill, statement or receipt from the past year

Any letter or correspondence (including tax bills) received from the IRS or state tax office in the last year

First-class mail received from any federal, state or local government agency in the past six months

If the applicant is under 18 and doesn't otherwise have proof of address, the MVC will accept a Parent or Guardian Certification that verifies the applicant is living with a parent or guardian


rollotomasi07071 t1_ixd0vey wrote

Reply to Friends by [deleted]

>Work in tech

Hang out with coworkers

>play sports

Hang out with teammates

>I like to hike

Hiking groups

>take photos

Photography groups

>try new foods

Cooking groups