rologies t1_ixp2m19 wrote
Reply to comment by rvauofrsol in Thanksnightly by cleverocks
What kind of tools does Edie use? I've looked into trainers but haven't found any that don't use some sort of punishment.
rologies t1_ixosub0 wrote
Reply to Thanksnightly by cleverocks
Not quite turkey related but anyone have recommendations for 1 on 1 dogsitting?
He's a bit reactive so I'd like to work with whoever they are to get him friendly with them and make sure it's a good fit if possible. His current dogsitter put both of us in a bad situation so trying to find someone new for him.
rologies t1_iwqo51l wrote
Reply to comment by Herculicia in Weekend Event Thread by AutoModerator
Yeah, I'm just a few blocks from there and I go by it while walking my dog, guess I'll find out on our lunch walk.
rologies t1_iwqc5uq wrote
Reply to comment by Herculicia in Weekend Event Thread by AutoModerator
In that art deco looking marketing space?
rologies t1_iu5ctn2 wrote
Reply to comment by mo4994 in Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
Ah shit... didn't realize I was this week, I've been out on a supplier visit 🥲
rologies t1_iu4xxuv wrote
Reply to A trembling foreigner by Extreme_Necessary_56
30F, graduated VCU in 2013, moved back and lived in both areas people like to scare talk about - first next to the Exxon/McDonalds in Shockoe and now in Manchester.
Campus is extremely safe and only getting safer, you'll be ok, the fan is where you'll probably end up living as it's kind of the default for students and it's also pretty chill. You'll be good, the shady areas are pretty obvious but also honestly not that bad, it's just when something happens people get loud. All in all, welcome! Be chatty and open and you'll make friends easy here, and good luck with your studies!
rologies t1_iu0lhrl wrote
Reply to comment by Herculicia in Thursdaily is here! by OopsImACrow
rologies t1_iu02l3z wrote
Reply to Thursdaily is here! by OopsImACrow
Oy, it's Halloween weekend, where's the event thread??
rologies t1_isvcvvi wrote
Reply to comment by Tardigradequeen in Researchers have discovered that ambient light is an important factor determining eye colour across primate species, suggested that this pattern may also explain differences in eye colour in human populations by giuliomagnifico
Same, my mom (dark brown eyes) would often give me grief when I'd say something was too bright. I kind of just figured that blue/grey/green was more sensitive.
rologies t1_iy1jswj wrote
Reply to comment by Asterion7 in Beat place to get dessert and a glass if wine? by neatlair
It's only the market now, before covid they had a restaurant across the side street. It closed down and had some massive renovations, I've seen people in it for more than just cooking, so it's gotta open again at some point.