
rologies t1_ixosub0 wrote

Not quite turkey related but anyone have recommendations for 1 on 1 dogsitting?

He's a bit reactive so I'd like to work with whoever they are to get him friendly with them and make sure it's a good fit if possible. His current dogsitter put both of us in a bad situation so trying to find someone new for him.


rologies t1_iu4xxuv wrote

30F, graduated VCU in 2013, moved back and lived in both areas people like to scare talk about - first next to the Exxon/McDonalds in Shockoe and now in Manchester.

Campus is extremely safe and only getting safer, you'll be ok, the fan is where you'll probably end up living as it's kind of the default for students and it's also pretty chill. You'll be good, the shady areas are pretty obvious but also honestly not that bad, it's just when something happens people get loud. All in all, welcome! Be chatty and open and you'll make friends easy here, and good luck with your studies!


rologies t1_isvcvvi wrote

Same, my mom (dark brown eyes) would often give me grief when I'd say something was too bright. I kind of just figured that blue/grey/green was more sensitive.