rosesandpiglets t1_iz6yoe4 wrote
Pokémon Go made me even sadder for humanity
rosesandpiglets t1_iz6qw4c wrote
What makes WA so cool is we have a literal rainforest, desert, and everything in between.
rosesandpiglets t1_iyouh0s wrote
Reply to comment by Midnight_Moon29 in 13 Dead From Flu In WA State, Activity 'Very High' by cailinloesch
There are antivirals like Tamiflu that when administered quickly lessens the impact, but they don’t do much for someone on their 6th day sick.
rosesandpiglets t1_iyorze3 wrote
Reply to comment by nightmareinsouffle in 13 Dead From Flu In WA State, Activity 'Very High' by cailinloesch
Honestly can’t tell ya, I’m currently in bed with my very first case of the Flu.
I only know cause I was tested.
rosesandpiglets t1_iyogw1l wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 13 Dead From Flu In WA State, Activity 'Very High' by cailinloesch
Get Tamiflu ASAP after showing symptoms.
rosesandpiglets t1_iyogsv8 wrote
Reply to comment by dripdri in 13 Dead From Flu In WA State, Activity 'Very High' by cailinloesch
Unfortunately antibiotics are uselessness against the Flu and RSV
rosesandpiglets t1_iye0pti wrote
Reply to comment by Twin_Peaks_Townie in Relief Map of the Columbia River Basin [OC] by mushroomgnome
That’s reality though, that’s how river basins work.
Wait until they hear about the Mississippi river basin…
rosesandpiglets t1_iye0hou wrote
Reply to comment by tri_wine in Relief Map of the Columbia River Basin [OC] by mushroomgnome
Laughed a bit too hard at this
rosesandpiglets t1_iye0eoo wrote
Reply to comment by pala4833 in Relief Map of the Columbia River Basin [OC] by mushroomgnome
rosesandpiglets t1_iyag7ga wrote
Reply to comment by Relevant_Departure40 in Antiwar Activists Who Flee Russia Find Detention, Not Freedom, in the U.S. by ThisIsNotCorn
But somehow turned away a boatload of Jewish folks…
rosesandpiglets t1_iyad0cj wrote
Reply to Stevens and Snoqualmie are getting some serious snowfall today through tomorrow evening, and we have some in Wenatchee already! by RippingLegos
Here in the Western foothills we have 3 inches and counting. So excited
rosesandpiglets t1_ixv8ioz wrote
Reply to comment by peggysue_82 in Leavenworth recommendations by phro321
No… It is a seaport that was built during the Victorian times. Not the same thing. Townsend wasn’t “modeled” after anything, it was just built to the standards of the day architecture wise.
rosesandpiglets t1_ix4usi0 wrote
Reply to Question about Leavenworth by Bluejay_1234
If you’ve never driven on snow, testing it out going over a major summit is a really foolish way to do so.
rosesandpiglets t1_iwsj9jx wrote
Reply to comment by OrangeKooky1850 in What’s this about? *Walgreens in Gig Harbor* by discodawg02
“I think that’s another one of mom’s little fibs, you know, like ‘I’ll sacrifice anything for my children’ “
rosesandpiglets t1_iv64f4f wrote
Reply to comment by A_Southpaw in A forest scene along Huckleberry Ridge near Greenwater, Washington. by stevebisig
rosesandpiglets t1_iv61u8w wrote
Reply to comment by Trick_Doctor3918 in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
Found the Russian bot…
rosesandpiglets t1_iv5y3sb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
No, the 8th is the last day actually.
But still. Get your ballot in early folks
rosesandpiglets t1_iv5vxjy wrote
Reply to comment by Negative-Order-7236 in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
Nah, we don’t like fascist election deniers here
rosesandpiglets t1_iv4mmfw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
The Russian bots are glitching
rosesandpiglets t1_iv4kx6h wrote
Yup. You can return a ballot to any official WA state dropbox and it’ll be counted
rosesandpiglets t1_iv4kl6f wrote
Reply to comment by Old-AF in Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
I was going to say, you sound coherent, making you at least 3 degrees more qualified than Tiffany “my blind husband is in a wheelchair, vote for me” Smiley
rosesandpiglets t1_iv4iusf wrote
Reply to Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
Yeah they’ll blame her for a couple years of rising murder rates while ignoring like decades of it lowering.
It is offensive to anyone with basic critical thinking skills
rosesandpiglets t1_iv3qd81 wrote
Reply to Northbend twin falls by [deleted]
Yes, you can still hike in the rain ffs.
rosesandpiglets t1_iuoi5xd wrote
Awesome shots!
rosesandpiglets t1_iz766x1 wrote
Reply to comment by multiparousgiraffe in Latest Pokémon Go Event Uses A Familiar Lake For Its Promo (Diablo Lake) by NeilOMalley
I never said others can’t enjoy it, I said it makes me sad for humanity…