rosetechnology OP t1_j7maqiq wrote
rosetechnology OP t1_j46s3ql wrote
Sources: interest rates, balances
Generated using Rose AI
rosetechnology OP t1_j42f4he wrote
Reply to USA Inflation v. Gold [OC] by rosetechnology
rosetechnology OP t1_j2ubbhi wrote
Reply to 2022 Asset Return [OC] by rosetechnology
rosetechnology OP t1_j0lu2kz wrote
Sources: Brand Finance
Generated using Rose AI
"Brand Finance's Royalty Relief Methodology is based on the notion that a brand-holding company owns the brand and licenses it to an operating company. The notional price paid by the operating company to the brand company is expressed as a royalty rate. The NPV (net present value) of all forecast royalties represents the value of the brand to the business. This method is based on commercial practice in the real world. It involves esti-mating likely future sales, applying an appropriate royalty rate to them and then discounting estimated future, post-tax royalties, to arrive at a NPV. The steps in the Royalty Relief brand valuation process are as follows:
− obtain brand specific financial and revenue data,
− model the market to identify market demand and the position of individual brands in the context of market competitors,
− establish the notional royalty rate for each brand"
rosetechnology OP t1_iyduuxc wrote
rosetechnology OP t1_iydnzff wrote
rosetechnology OP t1_iuw9u89 wrote
Sources: Bloomberg, FiveThirtyEight
Generated using Rose AI
rosetechnology OP t1_iurzs4l wrote
rosetechnology OP t1_iums5l6 wrote
Source: NHTSA
Generated using Rose AI
There is a lot of variance in the number of child pedestrian deaths on Halloween night (in 2020 there were 0 but in 2019 there was only one), which is speculated to be because Halloween is falling on different nights of the week each year.
The average for this time period on Halloween night is ~4.
See the chart here.
rosetechnology OP t1_irybqh7 wrote
Reply to Global Crime Rates 2022 [OC] by rosetechnology
Source: World Population Review
Generated using
Top 10 Highest Crime Rates:
1.Venezuela (83.76) 2. Papua New Guinea (80.79) 3. South Africa (76.86) 4. Afghanistan (76.31) 5. Honduras (74.54) 6. Trinidad and Tobago (71.63) 7. Guyana (68.74) 8. El Salvador (67.79) 9. Brazil (67.49) 10. Jamaica (67.42)
rosetechnology OP t1_ireq7l1 wrote
rosetechnology OP t1_ir5r51r wrote
Reply to Oil v. US Inflation [OC] by rosetechnology
rosetechnology OP t1_ir0qvif wrote
Generated using Rose Technology
rosetechnology OP t1_ja7dbd0 wrote
Reply to USA Average Annual Compensation per Employee [OC] by rosetechnology
Sources: Real GDP, Labor Force. GDP, Labor % GDP
Generated using Rose AI