
rudyattitudedee t1_j21xeqo wrote

She’s an adult. “Let’s” isn’t the word. She said herself in the article she refused housing from them on purpose and wants to do it on her own rather than taking the easy way out.


rudyattitudedee t1_j0xjlfk wrote

Pater realty is a wonderful property management company I rented from a few times in that area when I lived there. They have a few properties in rockingham. They don’t seem to have much on the website that is available but each time I called they had stuff that hadn’t been put up yet.


rudyattitudedee t1_j0ifclu wrote

Did you all waive inspection? Serious question no offense meant. If this is the experience of you and your neighbors then the home should have a warranty through the builder for a time after closing. Class action lawsuit would be a thing to look into, because it sounds like the builder skimped out and I don’t see how a house with no water could be closed upon during occupancy inspections.


rudyattitudedee t1_itxmqhl wrote

Reply to comment by otiswrath in Passing this along by Wildjosh

Ah. That’s cool to know. If I get a gift card I’ll put it in the wallet intending to use it but typically will forget until at least the third trip. I’m kind of just bad with money.


rudyattitudedee t1_itxmf5h wrote

Reply to comment by ctr2sprt in Passing this along by Wildjosh

Ah. Because it’s my nana and aunt and both would be offended. They’re Italian. if they ask, I make something up and say “yeah thanks I bought half a pair of pants” since $25 bucks can’t buy too much anymore.


rudyattitudedee t1_itulaq4 wrote

Reply to comment by OldKingsHigh in Passing this along by Wildjosh

Yes. I am gifted These cards from family members, who have the memory of a gold fish and as much creativity too so instead of getting a thoughtful gift I get wal mart gift cards I’ve never used and no real gifts lol. If they want to give money to wal mart that’s fine I just don’t go to wal mart because it’s trashy.


rudyattitudedee t1_itt6r19 wrote

First problem, going to the cesspool that is Walmart. Stop fucking buying stuff at wal mart. I literally have hundreds in wal mart gift cards from family members and refuse to step foot in one.