
rudyattitudedee t1_ja59rea wrote

They probably just don’t want hikers to be able to damage tracks and derail a train full of tourists 6k ft to their deaths. I don’t disagree that it’s not an environmentally friendly mode of transport. In that same breath only hiking should be allowed on mt Washington then. The auto road sucks and should only exist for Travis Pastrana to race.


rudyattitudedee t1_ja3bn8k wrote

I’ve lived in nh my entire life and I do the tram at least twice a year. It’s an affordable afternoon and great for kids. My kid has “driven” it like six times. I have great stories from the tram rides. Once, my wife and I had a very packed summer tram ride, but it turned out it was a whole car packed full of deaf people and we were the only people who could hear. It was the quietest ride I’ve had, save for the random outbursts of deaf person laughter as they signed jokes to each other. Same with the cog. They are treasures.


rudyattitudedee t1_j9cn2cs wrote

I’ve known them probably 16 years working in walking distance. Amore salad with feta and Italian at least twice a week haha. They ended up knowing my whole family by name and would ask how they were or how I was when they went in. I don’t even work in salem anymore and I still try to go often. They met my kid and when he was old enough to “have sweets” she would hook it up every day with her delicious baked goods. She would sneak desserts in for him with notes like every time. So i started tipping fat bc they are too underrated and nice. I worry they loose money just because they are so nice. My family has had them come to parties and they’ve invited us to theirs, their history before coming to America is quite interesting to say the least.


rudyattitudedee t1_j8yl7t1 wrote

I loved arizona but even dry heat ain’t it. There are mountains though. Definitely a different look and most aren’t nearly as high as our average summit. But none are tree covered that I could see at least there’s that!


rudyattitudedee t1_j54va55 wrote

I think you aren’t willing to read to understand. I’m not comparing healthcare to tattoos. I’m comparing decisions kids make that they eventually will grow up and regret. It can’t be a spur of the moment decision or a phase. Like I said, if the kids grow into a happy adult that’s what matters. I have a trans woman in my family. She waited until she was a teen, not so much by choice, but slowly started to do it, went to college and got a great job, then one day she just said “my name is Nicole now” and now she looks and feels great as a fully transitioned woman.


rudyattitudedee t1_j53sol9 wrote

I’m not taking them. I don’t have a problem with anyone doing so either. I’m just wondering what eventual side effects may be. Politicians don’t seem too worried about unclean drinking water causing cancer or other issues so…it’s interesting that some people actually try to prohibit this because it hasn’t been “studied enough”.


rudyattitudedee t1_j53sers wrote

Correct. I’m sure there are a portion of people who are worried about child welfare and a larger portion who just want to fight anything they see as counter to their own culture. Let parents be parents. These things don’t Happen without medical professionals anyhow. I don’t think there would be any abusive parents out there who decided the best way to abuse their kids is to give them exactly what they want abuse kinda works the opposite way.


rudyattitudedee t1_j53qo12 wrote

Not really. Don’t tread on me but I’ll tread on them is kinda what not minding your business is. It’s a personal family matter. If trans people had an upper hand and started lobbying to take away guns you know they’d be squawking about personal freedoms. But cutting a persons genitals off didn’t cause a school shooting either.


rudyattitudedee t1_j53q8qz wrote

My kid goes from wrestling his friends, telling girls they are hot and he’s buff and strutting like a peacock, playing hockey and getting dirty, to saying he’s a girl and dressing up like one and everywhere in between. He’s 6. I did the same shit when I was his age. I let him do whatever, it’s harmless. However, if he had his say he’d have me install YouTube again and he’d try to watch it all Fuckin day until he got a migraine and realized he had to shit and was starving. Kids are really just not that smart. They have no experience to say “I want to” versus “I need to” and know the difference. I think it’s best to let them feel feelings and if it becomes a constant thing for a long long time, start the actual consideration and consultations.