rufustphish OP t1_ivoj2p8 wrote
Reply to comment by WantDastardlyBack in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
This was really helpful, thanks for sharing
rufustphish OP t1_ivoh206 wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
Fair point on being a moderate.
Not really surprised he won, just trying to understand where people are coming from. Thanks for your time.
rufustphish OP t1_ivogorw wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
What a logical leap you just took. Never said anything about being against small business.
I own a small business.
What I said was, if you can't afford to respect your workers rights, you don't deserve to be in business.
Seems like we're never going to agree on that point, good luck in your hiring.
rufustphish OP t1_ivoga1c wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
I see you lack the empathy to realize the company owner made the choice to lay off those folks, not the government.
The owner failed to plan. No one has the right to own a business if they can't respect their workers rights.
I'm also perplexed how such a small company of 5 people would fall under this law, but I have not read it.
Not surprised you work in Agriculture with these opinions though. Seems workers rights are not respected much in that industry from my experience.
rufustphish OP t1_ivof9re wrote
Reply to comment by Left-Link5070 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
What are you doing?
rufustphish OP t1_ivof7f8 wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
Why are your rights as a business owner more important than your workers right to have paid family leave?
rufustphish OP t1_ivoevf3 wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
If you're company can't afford to pay people and treat them fairly, you don't deserve to have a business. Why does your right to own a business trample others rights to work for a livable wage and adequate time off?
rufustphish OP t1_ivoejhn wrote
Reply to comment by todd_ted in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
Think of how much the problems currently cost the state. It's not a zero sum game.
rufustphish OP t1_ivoecno wrote
Reply to comment by MYrobouros in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
Thanks you, I agree with most of your points, but I think Vermonters deserve more credit for our COVID outcomes than Mr. Scott. He didn't get in the way though.
rufustphish OP t1_ivoe095 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
I guess you're saying people didn't use rational thinking to arrive at their decision?
rufustphish OP t1_ivo8ooz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
I'm not sure I understand the point you are trying to make here, sorry.
rufustphish OP t1_ivo1ys9 wrote
Reply to comment by Beardly_Smith in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
What in your view has he done a really good job on other than Covid?
rufustphish OP t1_ivo1tjv wrote
Reply to comment by Careful_Square1742 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
Reply so nice you had to make it twice...
rufustphish OP t1_ivo1pth wrote
Reply to comment by dwigtschrute32 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
This is my view as well, thanks for sharing
rufustphish OP t1_ivnuxzp wrote
Reply to comment by brainzilla420 in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish
I think we did a good job during the pandemic and he was a good cheerleader. But I'll give him credit for doing the right thing during the pandemic.
Submitted by rufustphish t3_yqcugw in vermont
rufustphish t1_ivjgrv4 wrote
Terrible Mountain earned it's name, it's terrible to drive over in the winter.
rufustphish t1_iv9t6fd wrote
Reply to comment by Chess_Not_Checkers in You have just moved to Vermont. The welcome wagon shows up - what is in the gift basket? by jenshike
Why Gluten-free bread.
I was with you on everything else. Just curious why that's you're suggestion?
I would of handed them some Cabot Chedder personally, but I'm interested to hear where you're coming from.
rufustphish t1_itbby6a wrote
Reply to comment by vtjohnhurt in Vermont town employee who quietly lowered the fluoride in water has resigned by Hanginon
How about reckless endangerment 13 V.S.A. ยง 1025
rufustphish t1_ixlp1ky wrote
Reply to comment by dnstommy in Mastodon in Vermont? by brendankinney
Couldn't you just use it knowing what you say might be read in the future? How are you ok with Reddit?