
rufustphish OP t1_ivogorw wrote

What a logical leap you just took. Never said anything about being against small business.

I own a small business.

What I said was, if you can't afford to respect your workers rights, you don't deserve to be in business.

Seems like we're never going to agree on that point, good luck in your hiring.


rufustphish OP t1_ivoga1c wrote

I see you lack the empathy to realize the company owner made the choice to lay off those folks, not the government.

The owner failed to plan. No one has the right to own a business if they can't respect their workers rights.

I'm also perplexed how such a small company of 5 people would fall under this law, but I have not read it.

Not surprised you work in Agriculture with these opinions though. Seems workers rights are not respected much in that industry from my experience.