
ruthless_apricot t1_iwbvt18 wrote

We should make a list of all the crappy management companies for people to avoid in Stamford. BLT who developed Harbor Point have a horrible reputation, as does the Residences on Bedford management.

I'm currently renting from MarLo Associates who own a lot of Bedford St and they have been absolutely excellent, would recommend them.

Edit: I made a thread for this if you want to add your review :)


ruthless_apricot t1_iuwfgr1 wrote

Mint mobile has been great for me and works very well in Stamford. It uses the T-Mobile network which is strong. I pay <$20 a month, I'll DM you a referral code to save you some money if you'd like.


ruthless_apricot t1_itrtefm wrote

On this topic, anyone know where the cheapest gas in town is? I always go to the Citgo at 493 Glenbrook Road since it’s pretty cheap but would love to know if there’s anywhere better!


ruthless_apricot t1_is5v9n7 wrote

I'd learn the free bus schedule and use it all the time to get rides into Downtown! Harbor Point is pretty but extremely dull as you say. You're close to Third Place however, which is one of the best spots in Stamford, so it's not all bad!