ryanfingawesome t1_j7qfinw wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in We all know a GREAT Rhode Island "Hot Wiener" has 4 ingredients. Mustard, Wine-Grinded Beef, Chopped Onions & A Sprinkling Of Celery Salt!! Do You Really Live in RI if You Have Not Tried This BASIC RI STAPLE!!!! by Chris_Mannix
so, making jokes about drug us is your thing? that’s… interesting. are you disparaging the people working there or all drug users in general?
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qckqz wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in BLM RI PAC Says Reported Racist Incident at Boys Basketball Game Needs to Be Investigated by Previous_Floor
ah yes, the school investigated itself and found no wrong doing by anyone with an affiliation to itself. first class investigatory work and no one should look any further into it. typical cop mentality to victim blame too, good for you.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qavys wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Overnight shooting in Pawtucket sends 1 to hospital by Previous_Floor
I read through this whole weird back and forth, and at one point later on you say that it would be against the rules to add text to a link post… but here you say that you would like to do it and you just can’t? Really having a tough time keeping your stories straight here.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qa8zm wrote
Reply to We used to have a lot more streetcars by kayakhomeless
just another prime example of how the city continues to punish us for the convenience of cars.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7q9v4y wrote
ryanfingawesome OP t1_iqx5eds wrote
Reply to comment by werewolfmanjack in next stop, can we ban the golocalprov posts? by ryanfingawesome
its not a matter of diversity in opinion, any time you see these links posted there is no opinion. there isnt even body copy in the posting on here, just a link. theyre doing it to farm clicks, its the definition of spam posting.
ryanfingawesome OP t1_iqx151x wrote
Reply to comment by RhodeReads in next stop, can we ban the golocalprov posts? by ryanfingawesome
absolutely not, its our version of one of those garbage main street media websites that popped up in the late aughts early 10s. it just regurgitates AP stories so it can sell ads.
Submitted by ryanfingawesome t3_xur7by in providence
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qilb4 wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in We all know a GREAT Rhode Island "Hot Wiener" has 4 ingredients. Mustard, Wine-Grinded Beef, Chopped Onions & A Sprinkling Of Celery Salt!! Do You Really Live in RI if You Have Not Tried This BASIC RI STAPLE!!!! by Chris_Mannix
you’re making the joke right now, so saying that you’re just regurgitating something from “back in the day” makes what you’re doing okay… how?