ryanfingawesome t1_j7zo252 wrote
Reply to Who is the new police chief? ‘The community is on his shoulders’: Providence’s new police chief is known for his compassion and discipline by rhodyjourno
love to see Pure Copaganda with my second cup of coffee in the morning.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7z8mgw wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Providence shootings dropped by nearly half in 2022 by PM_ME_ASS_SALAD
what does this have to do with anything?
ryanfingawesome t1_j7wshxv wrote
nah, let’s keep that garbage out of public view. do we really need to remember a guy that not only didn’t find america but then was so shitty to the people he did find that the queen that paid for his trip cut her ties?
ryanfingawesome t1_j7wp2s8 wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Man injured in Providence stabbing by Previous_Floor
right back to that familiar MO, double down on belittling someone and regurgitate your lie. you’re bad at this, and a cancer on this board.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7wnt54 wrote
Reply to Man injured in Providence stabbing by Previous_Floor
don’t click this link it might be a virus
ryanfingawesome t1_j7wngdt wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Man injured in Providence stabbing by Previous_Floor
a PUP is not necessarily adware, it’s any link that your boomer-ass browser plug-in sees as tracking you in any way. so in this case, an affiliate link will track the IP of someone who clicks it in order to give demographic information back to the company. please don’t tell me i don’t know what i am talking about, because you’re very stupid.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7weyhg wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Man injured in Providence stabbing by Previous_Floor
tell me you don’t know how affiliate links work without telling me you don’t know how affiliate links work.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7w720x wrote
Reply to comment by Dangerous_Public_164 in Providence shootings dropped by nearly half in 2022 by PM_ME_ASS_SALAD
wow, sounds like someone that knows they lost. sad.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7vu8pi wrote
i think the thought process is that if all the pizza here is gonna suck anyway, might as well get almost pizza from a place that already makes bread.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7vs3vp wrote
Reply to comment by LongjumpingIce9899 in Coming in at #40 of the 'Worst Dishes in the World' by myninerides
cold cheeseless pizza? trash, you’re right it should be higher in this list.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7vrh4v wrote
where’s previous floor to talk about how this clearly isn’t the case and the city isn’t safe at all?
ryanfingawesome t1_j7umzik wrote
Reply to Secondhand outdoor gear stores? by evilchris
REI has a grip of used gear, not a ton but not a little.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7rbojk wrote
Reply to Commute from Boston by chocosunn
seems like more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth. people do it but i can’t understand why.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7r9hy8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 🚨Thai Food Emergency🚨 Best drunken noodles in Providence? by TheGhostOfJaySherman
wildly unhelpful!
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qt0of wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Overnight shooting in Pawtucket sends 1 to hospital by Previous_Floor
sure thing, pumpkin. whatever you say.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qqdnd wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in BLM RI PAC Says Reported Racist Incident at Boys Basketball Game Needs to Be Investigated by Previous_Floor
go easy on the lead paint over there, boomer. you’re becoming pretty incoherent.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qpfg1 wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in BLM RI PAC Says Reported Racist Incident at Boys Basketball Game Needs to Be Investigated by Previous_Floor
i’m not strictly believing anyone’s word. i am in favor of an independent investigation. your reading comprehension is about as solid as i would expect from a cop.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qp08p wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Overnight shooting in Pawtucket sends 1 to hospital by Previous_Floor
huh? i’ve had this account for nine years, it’s my only account. rather than stand behind what you’re saying, you just fall back in insults or misdirection? quite mature of you.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qopok wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in We all know a GREAT Rhode Island "Hot Wiener" has 4 ingredients. Mustard, Wine-Grinded Beef, Chopped Onions & A Sprinkling Of Celery Salt!! Do You Really Live in RI if You Have Not Tried This BASIC RI STAPLE!!!! by Chris_Mannix
wow, resorting to name calling? triggered much? such courage of conviction to stand by your statements.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qojhv wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in BLM RI PAC Says Reported Racist Incident at Boys Basketball Game Needs to Be Investigated by Previous_Floor
so again, tiverton investigated themselves and was like ‘hey wasn’t us’ and you’re just taking that at face value and claiming that calling for an independent investigation is “crying wolf” as you put it? cool
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qmlq6 wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in BLM RI PAC Says Reported Racist Incident at Boys Basketball Game Needs to Be Investigated by Previous_Floor
is doing their own investigation, not has done. your initial comment said this was already investigated. which is it there?
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qmfej wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in Overnight shooting in Pawtucket sends 1 to hospital by Previous_Floor
i don’t live in providence? that’s news to me.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qm9w5 wrote
Reply to comment by Pvdsuccess in We used to have a lot more streetcars by kayakhomeless
this is completely false, it’s a narragansett term for a river where three trails meet.
ryanfingawesome OP t1_j7zxmpt wrote
Reply to comment by lestermagnum in Phenomenon of making an outside of Providence recommendation when a poster asks for Providence info by ryanfingawesome
that all presupposes that the person asking for advice has a car though. if they live in a city that’s not necessarily the case, so giving someone options outside the city would be unhelpful.